Ministry of Education and Training talks about the time to consider promoting primary school teachers

Vân Trang |

The Ministry of Education and Training has answered the question of whether time spent working as a librarian is counted when considering teacher promotion?

Ms. Nguyen Thi Kim Dung has been a librarian for 13 years (staff), with intermediate level.

In September 2017, Ms. Dung was considered to change her title from Level IV Librarian to Level IV Primary School Teacher.

In December 2019, she graduated with a degree in elementary education.

In February 2022, Ms. Dung was considered for promotion to a grade III primary school teacher. Ms. Dung asked: "Will my time as a librarian be counted towards my promotion to a grade II primary school teacher?"

The Ministry of Education and Training responded to Ms. Dung's question as follows:

One of the conditions for registering for consideration for promotion to the professional title of primary school teacher grade II (code V.07.03.28) is to have held the professional title of primary school teacher grade III (code V.07.03.29) or equivalent for at least 9 years (excluding probationary period) as of the deadline for submitting application for the exam or promotion consideration.

In particular, the determination of the time to hold the equivalent rank for the case of primary and secondary school teachers of grade III registering for the exam or being considered for promotion to the professional title of Primary and secondary school teacher of grade II has been guided by the Ministry of Education and Training in Section 3.2 of Official Dispatch No. 4306/BGDDT-NGCBQLGD dated August 14, 2023 as follows:

From the time the teacher meets the training standards of the level of education, the time determined to be equivalent to the time holding the professional title of Primary and Secondary School Teacher of the new Grade III includes: Working time with compulsory social insurance; time holding teaching positions equivalent to Grade IV and Grade III; time holding the professional title of Grade IV and Grade III Teacher and other time determined by the competent authority to be equivalent to Grade IV and Grade III when transferring professional titles (excluding probationary period).

In addition to the condition of time holding the rank, to register for consideration for promotion to the professional title of primary school teacher grade II (code V.07.03.28), Ms. Nguyen Thi Kim Dung must also meet the standards and conditions specified in Clause 1, Article 32 of Decree No. 115/2020/ND-CP dated September 25, 2020 of the Government regulating the recruitment, use and management of civil servants as amended in Clause 16, Article 1 of Decree No. 85/2023/ND-CP dated December 7, 2023.

In addition, according to the Government's regulations in Decree No. 115/2020/ND-CP dated September 25, 2020 on recruitment, use and management of civil servants, when a civil servant changes a job position and the current job title does not match the requirements of the new job position, the competent authority shall consider transferring the job title (Clause 1, Article 30) and must ensure the principle of considering transferring from one job title to another corresponding to the same level of work complexity according to the requirements of the job position (Clause 1, Article 29) and the civil servant considered for transferring the job title must meet the standards of the transferred job title (Clause 2, Article 30).

In the case of Ms. Nguyen Thi Kim Dung, the Ministry of Education and Training recommends that she contact directly the competent authority for appointing and promoting primary school teacher professional titles according to local decentralization for specific answers.

Vân Trang

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