The Politburo has agreed with the proposal of the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) on exempting tuition fees for students from preschool to general education.
According to information from the Ministry of Education and Training, the country currently has 23.2 million students (excluding students studying at vocational and continuing education centers), including: 3.1 million preschool students under 5 years old; 1.7 million 5-year preschool students; 8.9 million primary school students; 6.5 million secondary school students and 3 million high school students.
Based on the reports of 46 provinces/cities directly under the Central Government up to now and recent documents and reports, the Ministry of Education and Training based on the minimum tuition fee level prescribed in Decree No. 81/2021/ND-CP and Decree No. 1997/ND-CP of the Government to estimate the state budget funding needs to be paid to exempt tuition fees for all students from kindergarten to high school.
Accordingly, the need for state budget funding to be paid to implement the policy of exempting tuition fees for the above subjects is about 30 trillion VND (if deducting the local budget of provinces/cities that have exempted tuition fees, the central budget will have to implement less than this figure). In fact, the budget level that needs to be ensured will depend on the specific tuition fee level of each province/city directly under the Central Government under the authority of the Provincial People's Council decided on the basis of the regulations on the tuition floor and ceiling prescribed by the Government.
According to the Ministry of Education and Training, tuition fees affect most families and are an issue of public concern every time the new school year begins. The expansion of tuition exemption subjects affects the state budget balance. In addition, tuition exemption for high school students (grade 10 to 12) may affect the orientation of students after high school in choosing to study in high school or vocational training.
However, if the policy of exempting tuition fees for all preschool to high school children across the country is implemented, it will contribute significantly to improving the quality of education, gaining high consensus from society, in line with the superiority of the regime and policies of the Party and State on education and in line with the general trend of developed countries.
Previously, at the meeting on February 28, the Politburo agreed to implement the exemption of all tuition fees for students from preschool to all public high schools nationwide, starting from the beginning of the new school year 2025-2026.
This is a decision that captivates the hearts of people across the country, demonstrating humanity, considering education as the top national policy of the country, and also demonstrating the superiority of the socialist regime.