Female university valedictorian and the secret to always keeping herself busy

Văn Cương |

Bui Huong Giang became the valedictorian of the University of Commerce in 2024 with a GPA of 3.95/4.0. Her secret is "always keeping yourself busy".

Desire to take control of one's own life

"Surprise mixed with pride and emotion" - Bui Huong Giang, student of K56, majoring in business accounting, high-quality program of the Institute of Accounting and Auditing, University of Commerce, shared about the moment she learned that she became the valedictorian of K56 of the school.

In particular, she is one of the 100 valedictorians honored by Hanoi city in 2024.

"My efforts during my 4 years of university have been well rewarded and this will be the first step on a long journey ahead that requires effort" - Huong Giang proudly said.

Huong Giang trong Le tuyen duong thu khoa xuat sac tot nghiep cac truong dai hoc, hoc vien tren dia ban thanh pho Ha Noi nam 2024 (Anh: Nhan vat cung cap)
Huong Giang at the Ceremony to honor outstanding valedictorians graduating from universities and academies in Hanoi in 2024. Photo: Provided by the character

Huong Giang shared that the reason why she chose this particular field of study was because her family had many members who were accountants, especially two of them who studied Accounting at the University of Commerce. This was part of the motivation for her to choose and pursue this field of study.

Choosing is one thing, but the female student said that accounting and auditing are specialized fields, related to numbers and high precision. Therefore, carefulness is a mandatory factor that must be practiced throughout the study period.

"It's not easy for us to feel suitable for the major in the first year. But after the learning process, we will gradually adapt and become passionate about it. By always loving and thinking about it every day, always wanting to explore to understand more about it" - Huong Giang shared.

At the beginning of her university years, the valedictorian faced a crisis when she had to face specialized knowledge in two different languages. However, her love and desire to conquer all challenges helped Huong Giang achieve A grades in most subjects.

“What always motivates me to study is independence and freedom. Only knowledge can help me take control of my life,” the female student said. In addition, the dream of becoming the pride of her family, teachers, and friends also gives Huong Giang more strength.

The female valedictorian believes that studying is not about time or achievement, but rather a process of training. To maintain good results, you must always put yourself in a position to receive knowledge, from listening to lectures to self-study.

Regarding general subjects, Giang shared: “I try to understand the true meaning behind each subject, using specific examples to remember. At that time, I found the subjects very practical. When I go to work, I see the rules I learned more clearly before my eyes.”

The secret of success is to keep yourself busy.

Not only does Huong Giang have excellent academic achievements, she also has remarkable extracurricular activities, regularly participating in faculty and school activities. Huong Giang is also a “5 Good Students” at the school level, admitted to the Party at the Party cell and is a member of the Student Union.

In addition, she also has a special love for sports and often spends a few days a week playing badminton with friends, sometimes going swimming. This helps Huong Giang stay physically and mentally healthy, always in a happy state and work and study effectively.

According to the valedictorian, in life, pressure is inevitable, but the important thing is to stay calm, accept it in a comfortable state of mind to find a solution. For Huong Giang, the secret to studying and working is to always "keep yourself busy".

“Instead of spending too much time on the phone and gathering in useless places, I think students should do something to develop their self-worth” - Huong Giang advised students.

Huong Giang chup anh cung thay co trong le tot nghiep. Anh: Nhan vat cung cap
Huong Giang (middle) takes a photo with teachers at the graduation ceremony. Photo: Character provided

Talking about future plans, Huong Giang is studying for a Master's degree at the University of Commerce with a 50% scholarship.

“I also want to learn another foreign language so that I can develop in a variety of environments. For me, learning is never enough. Let yourself be exposed to different challenges, who knows, it might be a great opportunity for development,” Giang added.

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