Plan to inspect and examine teachers' professional activities

Vân Trang |

The draft Law on Teachers issued by the Ministry of Education and Training clearly stipulates the content of inspection and examination of teachers, including teachers' professional activities.

Article 60 of the Draft Law on Teachers (3rd edition) recently announced by the Ministry of Education and Training, stipulates the inspection and examination of teachers as follows:

1. Inspection and examination of teachers includes:

a) Inspect and examine the implementation of policies, laws, tasks and powers of organizations and individuals in teacher management;

b) Inspect the professional activities of teachers according to the working regime and regulations of the educational institution.

2. The Ministry of Education and Training and the Ministry of Labor, War invalids and Social Affairs shall perform the function of inspecting teachers nationwide; guide and direct the inspection and examination of teachers according to their authority.

3. Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, and People's Committees at all levels direct and organize inspections and examinations within the scope of their management responsibilities regarding teachers.

4. Educational institutions shall organize internal inspections according to regulations and organize inspections of teachers' professional activities.

According to the explanation of the Ministry of Education and Training, the Departments are only specialized agencies of the Provincial People's Committee, the inspection and examination is not only done by the education sector but also by other sectors. Therefore, it is appropriate to let the Provincial People's Committee do it.

Mr. Nguyen Van Luc - former teacher of Trinh Phong Secondary School, Khanh Hoa supports the above regulation in the Draft Law on Teachers.

According to Mr. Luc, according to current regulations, inspections and examinations by the Department of Education and Training and the Department of Education and Training are carried out according to an annual plan (internal inspection plan) including planned, thematic, surprise inspections, and inspections when there are complaints and denunciations...

Therefore, including inspection in the Law on Teachers is appropriate, avoiding overlapping inspections and lack of objectivity due to lack of regulations...

"When the Law on Teachers is promulgated, there will be many benefits and privileges for teachers. My point of view is that benefits must be associated with responsibilities. In addition to enjoying benefits, teachers must be aware of their responsibilities in training their expertise and professional ethics" - Mr. Luc emphasized and added that inspection and testing will help control the quality of the teaching staff. From there, the quality of education and training will be improved.

Vân Trang

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