On March 7, 2025, the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) issued Circular No. 05/2025/TT-BGDDT regulating working regimes for general education and university provision teachers (Circular No. 05).
This Circular replaces Circular No. 28/2009/TT-BGDDT dated October 21, 2009 of the Ministry of Education and Training promulgating regulations on working regimes for general education teachers; Circular No. 15/2017/TT-BGDDT dated June 9, 2017 of the Minister of Education and Training amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Regulations on working regimes for general education teachers issued with Circular No. 28/2009/TT-BGDDT dated October 21, 2009 of the Minister of Education and Training.
Add some cases of conversion of teaching hours
Teachers of Vietnamese to ethnic minority children before entering grade One must have 1 teaching period calculated at 1 standard period (if teaching during the school year), calculated at 1.5 standard periods (if teaching during the summer) and included in the total teaching period.
Teachers who review entrance exams and graduation exams will have 1 lesson calculated at 1 standard lesson.
For teachers who teach admission to students with weak or poor academic performance or teach students with admission results at the end of the school year at the level not yet achieved, 1 lesson can be converted to a maximum of 1.5 standard periods.
Teachers assigned to be judges in school-level teacher competitions or contests will have 1 direct grade participated in the assessment calculated at 1 standard grade.
Teachers participating in training excellent students, training students to participate in health festivals to cover bonuses, guiding science and technology competitions, guiding students to participate in student competitions, students with startup ideas, 1 lesson can be converted to a maximum of 2 standard periods.
The Circular also adds a regulation to reduce the number of hours/week for teachers who concurrently hold administrative staff positions in functional departments for pre-university schools; reduce the teaching hours for group leaders and deputy group leaders of student management groups in boarding schools for ethnic minorities and boarding schools for ethnic minorities such as group leaders and deputy group leaders of professional groups.
Adjust and increase the number of interruptions for homeroom teachers at primary school level and homeroom teachers at schools and classes for people with disabilities from 3 periods/week to 4 periods/week.
Adjust the number of reductions for teachers who are also heads of the university reserve department from 3 periods/week to 6 periods/week; Adjust the number of reductions for teachers who are also deputy heads of the university reserve department from 1 period/week to 5 periods/week.
Adjusting regulations on actual teaching time for teachers
The actual teaching time for junior high and high school teachers is regulated to be 35 weeks instead of 37 weeks for teaching and educational activities as in the old regulations. At the same time, 2 weeks of reserve will be added for teachers to complete the educational content in the general education program.
Adjusting regulations on the maximum number of tasks for teachers to concurrently hold positions
Regulate that each teacher cannot concurrently hold more than 2 tasks (including concurrently holding professional work, Party, mass organizations, other organizations and some other job positions).
At the same time, concurrent tasks that have received remuneration or allowances must not reduce the teaching period or convert them to teaching periods (except for the tasks of concurrently holding group leaders, deputy group leaders, concurrent heads, deputy heads of functional departments, concurrent heads of party, trade union, and youth union work).
In addition, Circular 05 also supplements regulations on maternity leave for teachers, including regulations on maternity leave coinciding with summer vacation;
Adjust and increase the number of reductions for homeroom teachers at primary school level and homeroom teachers at schools and classes for people with disabilities from 3 periods/week to 4 periods/week;
Adjust the number of reductions for teachers who are also heads of the university reserve department from 3 periods/week to 6 periods/week; Adjust the number of reductions for teachers who are also deputy heads of the university reserve department from 1 period/week to 5 periods/week;
Supplementing regulations on annual leave for principals, deputy principals, etc.
This Circular takes effect from April 2.