Upgrading Cam Lo-La Son Expressway to 4 lanes to ensure safety

Xuyên Đông |

The Ministry of Transport said it is submitting to the Government a proposal to upgrade the Cam Lo - La Son expressway to four lanes to ensure long-term traffic safety.

Previously, voters in Quang Tri reported that currently, Dong Ha city, Quang Tri province does not have a National Highway 1A bypass.

After implementing traffic diversion and banning heavy trucks from entering Cam Lo - La Son expressway, the number of vehicles on National Highway 1A increased, causing many serious traffic accidents in Quang Tri province.

Voters disagree with the above traffic flow and believe that allowing passenger vans with more than 30 seats and heavy trucks to circulate on National Highway 1A is inappropriate.

Voters suggest that the Ministry of Transport and the Vietnam Road Administration consider and adjust traffic flow in the following direction: moving cars and passenger vans with less than 24 seats from National Highway 1A; heavy-duty vehicles from Cam Lo - La Son expressway; the above traffic flow method will be the optimal solution to reduce traffic accidents.

Responding to this issue, the Ministry of Transport said that according to the Road Network Planning for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision to 2050, the 71km National Highway 1 section through Quang Tri province meets the standards of a Grade III road, with a scale of 4 lanes. The current status of the entire route has met the standards of a Grade III road, with 4 lanes in accordance with the planning.

The Dong Ha city bypass is planned to be about 22.4km long, with a construction planning scale of level III, 2 lanes; of which: 5.02km has been invested in level III scale, 2 lanes since 2019; 13.31km is invested by the Department of Transport of Quang Tri with level III scale, 2 lanes, expected to be completed in 2024; the remaining 4.07km is invested by the People's Committee of Quang Tri province with level III scale, 2 lanes, expected to be completed in 2025.

Regarding the traffic flow on the Cam Lo - La Son expressway, on June 14, 2024, the People's Committee of Quang Tri province issued Document No. 105/UBND-KT to the Ministry of Transport with the same content as the voters mentioned.

After researching and establishing survey teams to evaluate traffic flow regulation plans on the Cam Lo - La Son expressway, and working directly with the two localities of Quang Tri and Thua Thien Hue, based on the opinions of the Traffic Police Department (C08) and other agencies, the Vietnam Road Administration will select consultants to collect and analyze traffic data to develop a traffic organization plan on the route in accordance with the actual situation, contributing to improving traffic safety on the Cam Lo - La Son expressway.

The Ministry of Transport has issued Official Dispatch No. 8606/BGTVT-KCHT dated August 13, 2024 to the People's Committee of Quang Tri province for information and coordination to support implementation.

Up to now, based on the opinions of localities and agencies, units, the Vietnam Road Administration has issued Document No. 5827/CDBVN-TCGT dated August 22, 2024 requesting Road Management Area II, Ho Chi Minh Road Project Management Board to organize the adjustment of road centerline paint, at the same time adjust the road sign system on the route in accordance with the traffic organization plan and update and adjust the content in the Traffic Organization Plan on the route according to the assigned authority.

As a long-term solution, the Ministry will invest in upgrading and expanding the road in phase 2 to a scale of 4 lanes as proposed by the People's Committee of Quang Tri province.

The Ministry of Transport highly agrees with the province's proposal and urgently organizes a report to the competent authority for consideration and decision on the investment policy according to regulations.

"Currently, the Ministry of Transport has submitted to the Government a pre-feasibility study report on the investment project to build and expand the North-South expressway, Cam Lo - La Son section, using public investment capital (from increased revenue and expenditure savings in 2023).

The National Assembly has approved a plan to allocate capital to increase revenue and save expenditures in 2023 to regulate investment capital in 2025," the Ministry of Transport emphasized.

The Ministry of Transport added that the Ministry of Planning and Investment is currently presiding over the appraisal according to the procedures prescribed by law on public investment.

It is expected that after completing the required procedures, the project will be implemented and strive to complete as planned.

Xuyên Đông

Đề xuất cắm mốc giới tại dự án đường sắt cao tốc Bắc - Nam

Xuyên Đông |

Cử tri Hà Nội đề nghị sớm cắm mốc giới hành lang an toàn giao thông dự án đường sắt cao tốc Bắc - Nam.

Xe khách giường nằm tông đuôi xe tải, lao vào lề cao tốc

Duy Tuấn |

Bình Thuận - Xe khách giường nằm tông đuôi xe tải cùng chiều trên cao tốc Phan Thiết - Dầu Giây rồi lao qua rãnh thoát nước ven đường.

Hoàn thành giải phóng mặt bằng cao tốc đoạn qua Quảng Trị


Quảng Trị - 200 mét mặt bằng cuối cùng trên tuyến chính cao tốc Vạn Ninh – Cam Lộ đoạn qua tỉnh Quảng Trị đã được giải phóng.

Doanh nhân Việt Nam: Tâm - Tài - Trí - Dũng

Thùy Linh |

Tròn 20 năm trước, Thủ tướng Chính phủ Phan Văn Khải đã ký Quyết định số 990/QĐ-TTg lấy ngày 13 tháng 10 hằng năm là “Ngày Doanh nhân Việt Nam”.

Vào can bạn đánh nhau, nữ sinh lớp 11 bị đánh gãy đốt sống cổ


Thanh Hóa - Thấy nhóm bạn đánh nhau, nữ sinh lớp 11 vào can thì bị cả nhóm đánh đập dã man, khiến nạn nhân bị gãy đốt sống cổ.

Từ cậu học sinh cổ vũ thành Quán quân Olympia


HUẾ - Năm 2023, Võ Quang Phú Đức là thành viên đội cổ động viên ở đầu cầu Huế, năm nay, Phú Đức đã thành Quán quân Olympia.

Bổ nhiệm 3 Đại tá làm Giám đốc, Phó Giám đốc Công an tỉnh

Quang Việt |

Trong tuần, công an các tỉnh Quảng Bình, Sóc Trăng, Vĩnh Phúc ghi nhận việc bổ nhiệm chức vụ một Giám đốc và hai Phó Giám đốc.

Cận cảnh cống âu hơn 500 tỉ đồng sắp về đích ở Tiền Giang

Thành Nhân |

Tiền Giang - Dự án cống âu Nguyễn Tấn Thành đạt khối lượng thi công hơn 99%, dự kiến công trình này sẽ bàn giao cuối tháng 10.2024.

Proposal to set up boundary markers at the North-South high-speed railway project

Xuyên Đông |

Hanoi voters propose early installation of traffic safety corridor markers for the North-South high-speed railway project.

Sleeper bus rear-ended truck, crashed into highway curb

Duy Tuấn |

Binh Thuan - A sleeper bus rear-ended a truck traveling in the same direction on the Phan Thiet - Dau Giay highway and then crashed into a roadside drainage ditch.

Completed land clearance for the expressway section through Quang Tri


Quang Tri - The last 200 meters of land on the main route of the Van Ninh - Cam Lo highway through Quang Tri province have been cleared.