People demolish houses, hand over land to build 57km road through Hanoi


Hanoi - Many people in Me Linh district simultaneously demolished their houses to hand over the land for the Ring Road 4 project.

In recent days, Ms. Nguyen Thi Tinh (52 years old, Tan Chau village, Chu Phan commune, Me Linh) and her family hired workers to demolish houses and outbuildings to hand over more than 500 square meters of land to the Hanoi Ring Road 4 project.

Settling here since childhood, Ms. Tinh said that her family has many siblings, and her parents divided the land, built houses, and lived together. After the decision to reclaim land for the Ring Road 4 project was made, she was one of the first households to hand over the land to the project for the common good.

"Hopefully some other households will also hand over soon so that the project can be implemented synchronously" - Ms. Tinh said.

Ms. Tinh's family is dismantling construction items to hand over the site for the project. Photo: Huu Chanh

A few blocks away, Mr. Nguyen Van Tam (50 years old) also agreed to hand over 300 square meters of land to make way for the construction of the Ring Road 4 project.

The local government came to the site to persuade, talk about the benefits when the project is completed, and quickly support the procedures to help people like Mr. Tam agree.

"The family's land was compensated 24 million VND/m2" - Mr. Tam informed.

In addition to the cases of complete clearance, some households in Tan Chau village also demolished part of their houses according to the planning of the Ring Road 4 project.

Many families are in the process of dismantling their constructions to hand over the Ring Road 4 project site. Photo: Huu Chanh

Secretary of the Chu Phan Commune Party Committee - Mr. Le Xuan Hung - said that in order for people to agree to hand over the site on schedule, commune leaders and village officials directly went to each household to propagate and mobilize, and at the same time listened to the opinions, recommendations, and aspirations of the people.

The contents of people's petitions are under the authority of the locality, the Commune Party Committee directs immediate resolution.

For matters beyond their authority, the Party Committee and the People's Committee of the commune will synthesize reports and ask for opinions from the district to ensure the best interests of the people according to the provisions of the law, with the spirit of doing everything that is beneficial to the people.

Thanks to that, up to now, Tan Chau village has 98/133 households who have drawn lots and received land in the resettlement area.

Beltway 4 section through Tan Chau village (Chu Phan commune, Me Linh, Hanoi). Photo: Huu Chanh

Director of the Me Linh District Land Fund Development Center Dinh Ngoc Thuc said that recently, the entire political system from the district to the grassroots level has been involved in site clearance with a sense of urgency.

The district has established many working groups to both propagate and mobilize and coordinate to resolve difficulties and problems for the people; at the same time, coordinate with forces to support people in dismantling and moving their belongings to new places, creating the best conditions for people to soon stabilize their lives.

Regarding the progress of land clearance for residential land, Mr. Dinh Ngoc Thuc informed that the whole district needs to recover 436 residential and garden plots of land from 411 households (including 128 plots of land compensated in cash and 314 households compensated in land).

Up to now, the District People's Committee has approved the "departure" and "arrival" prices of 436 plots of land; paid compensation and allocated resettlement land to 197 households, and about 100 households have come to build houses and move in.

Me Linh district strives to hand over 100% of the site to the construction unit in November 2024 in accordance with the city's direction.

The parallel road (urban road) of Ring Road 4, the section through Hanoi, is more than 57km long, passing through localities including Soc Son, Me Linh, Dan Phuong, Hoai Duc districts, Ha Dong district, Thanh Oai and Thuong Tin districts.

Construction started in June 2023 and is scheduled for completion in 2026.


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