Bank stocks are the driving force of the stock market

Gia Miêu |

The stock market is on a positive upward trend, even reaching the strong resistance level of 1,300 points at one point.

Continuing the recovery momentum after the Fed's interest rate cut, the stock market had another positive trading week amid a return to vibrant liquidity. With the main lead of pillar stocks, VN-Index advanced to challenge the strong resistance zone of 1,290 - 1,300 points.

Liquidity also improved significantly, as well as the cash flow spread well, in which the banking group was a bright spot as the main driving force in both scores and sentiment.

However, once again, the hesitant sentiment appeared at an important threshold, causing the index to temporarily end the trading week, the VN-Index increased by 18.88 points, to 1,290.92 points.

Liquidity on the two main exchanges remained high, reaching about VND22,000 billion/session, the matched volume on the HOSE increased by 22.5% compared to the previous week and increased by more than 10% on the HNX.

Foreign investors net sold more than VND528 billion on both exchanges this week.Of which, foreign investors net sold nearly VND571 billion on the HOSE and net bought more than VND42 billion on the HNX.

In terms of contribution, banking stocks were the main support for the market yesterday when 8 stocks in this industry were in the top 10 most positive influences on the index, helping the VN-Index increase by nearly 3 points.On the contrary, VHM created the most negative pressure, causing the index to lose more than 1 point, followed by GVR, GAS and MWG, which also took nearly 1 point from the VN-Index.

The stock market is currently receiving a lot of supportive information such as the Fed lowering interest rates, upgrading the market, etc. In addition, there is also a cyclical story with the end of the year being the strongest growth period for the world stock market and the Vietnamese stock market as well.

In October, many experts predict that the stock market will have difficulty rising due to the impact of the US market entering the election season, because the US is the largest export market and the FDI story.

Dr. Nguyen Duy Phuong, Investment Director of DG Capital, commented that in October, the market is unlikely to have any significant changes and if there is a decline, it will be a buying opportunity.On the other hand, profits in the third quarter of 2024 will not have any significant changes and will have to wait until the fourth quarter.

"In the third quarter alone, profits will be differentiated with the real estate industry still facing difficulties, but banks will be the growth driver of the market.The falling Interest Rate helps banks expand their NIM, thereby remaining a strategic group that helps investors make a profit until the end of 2024.At the same time, the valuation of the banking group is currently very cheap.The market does not have much positive information to surpass the peak, so by the end of 2024, it may only fluctuate in the range of 1,305-1,320 points," Dr. Phuong stated his opinion.

Gia Miêu

Bước tiến quan trọng của thị trường chứng khoán trong quá trình nâng hạng

Lục Giang |

Bộ Tài chính tiếp tục có thêm những chính sách để gỡ nút thắt, đáp ứng các tiêu chuẩn nâng hạng thị trường chứng khoán từ cận biên lên mới nổi thứ cấp theo tiêu chí của FTSE Russell.

Cơ hội đón sóng tăng của chứng khoán thời điểm cuối năm

Gia Miêu |

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Chứng khoán giữ nhịp phục hồi sau hiệu ứng Fed hạ lãi suất

Gia Miêu |

Thị trường chứng khoán trong quý IV/2024 sẽ có giai đoạn tăng trưởng ngắn hạn nhờ dòng vốn ngoại và chính sách hỗ trợ.

Chứng khoán chờ tác động tích cực sau khi Fed hạ lãi suất

Gia Miêu |

Tâm lý của giới đầu tư chứng khoán đang nóng lòng chờ đợi những hiệu ứng tích cực sau khi Fed hạ lãi suất.

Cơ hội giải ngân khi thị trường chứng khoán điều chỉnh

Gia Miêu |

Với việc thanh khoản vẫn chưa gia tăng đáng kể, thị trường chứng khoán cần thêm thời gian để xác nhận liệu xu hướng tăng có thể tiếp diễn hay không.

Chủ tàu du lịch Hạ Long lao đao sau bão Yagi

Đoàn Hưng |

Quảng Ninh - Mặc dù hoạt động du lịch đã phục hồi sau bão Yagi, nhưng những chủ tàu du lịch TP Hạ Long bị chìm đắm vẫn gặp rất nhiều khó khăn.

Giao công an xác minh việc "hôi của" trên cao tốc ở Phú Thọ

Tô Công |

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Nam Định có tân Giám đốc Sở Giáo dục và Đào tạo

Lương Hà |

Nam Định - Chiều ngày 30.9, Sở GDĐT tỉnh Nam Định tổ chức hội nghị công bố quyết định của Chủ tịch UBND tỉnh bổ nhiệm Giám đốc Sở GDĐT.

Important step of stock market in upgrading process

Lục Giang |

The Ministry of Finance continues to have additional policies to remove bottlenecks, meeting the standards to upgrade the stock market from frontier to secondary emerging according to FTSE Russell's criteria.

Opportunity to catch the stock market's uptrend at the end of the year

Gia Miêu |

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Stocks continue to recover after the Fed's interest rate cut

Gia Miêu |

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Stocks await positive impact after Fed cuts interest rates

Gia Miêu |

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Opportunity to disburse when the stock market adjusts

Gia Miêu |

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