“Wings of Dreams 2024” started on November 11, 2024. With the efforts of the medical team at Hong Ngoc Hospital and experts from the organization Facing The World, the program is gradually helping these patients have the opportunity to improve their lives, from appearance to mental health.
In the program, all patients undergo a thorough examination, complete testing, clinical and paraclinical examinations, etc. so that doctors can assess in detail and specifically the pathological condition they are experiencing. Doctors and medical experts at Hong Ngoc Hospital and Facing The World not only focus on treating and improving pathological problems for patients but also care about the patients' thoughts and wishes in terms of aesthetics, thereby ensuring consultation and giving the most appropriate and effective treatment instructions, helping patients feel more confident.
After the examination, doctors from Hong Ngoc and Facing The World will conduct an in-depth interdisciplinary consultation, exchanging views and experiences to determine the most optimal treatment regimen for each patient.
During the first days of the program, doctors from Hong Ngoc Hospital and Facing The World examined a very special case, that is patient D.H.V (37 years old, Hanoi) with Treacher Collins syndrome - a rare genetic disorder that causes deformities in the eyes, ears, and jawbones, greatly affecting appearance and daily life. Dr. Atheer Ujam - Representative of Facing the World organization and the team of doctors at Hong Ngoc Hospital, after examination and consultation, came up with a detailed treatment plan to overcome Mr. V's condition, including two main stages: Stage 1 will perform chin surgery, helping to improve bone structure and create facial balance. Then continue with stage 2, after recovery, Mr. V. continues to perform orthodontics, to perfect chewing function and improve aesthetics.
In addition to Mr. D.H.V’s case, there have been many other complex surgeries that have been successfully performed. Each surgery has undergone careful preparation, from detailed planning, equipment preparation, to pre-operative safety assessments.
All patients participating in the program are provided with the most advanced medical services at Hong Ngoc Hospital. A team of leading domestic and international doctors directly consult, examine and perform surgery; Surgery in a one-way sterile operating room with a state-of-the-art Hepa air filtration system; supported by a modern infrastructure system, advanced, imported medical equipment; standard post-operative care regimen...
The joy and happiness of the patients in the program after surgery partly demonstrated the profound human values that "Wings of Dreams 2024" brings. With the dedication of doctors from Hong Ngoc Hospital and Facing The World organization, the program has helped patients find new hope and dream of a better future.
The program is still ongoing, opening up opportunities for healing and bringing happiness to many other patients. The success of "Fulfilling Dreams" is the result of the dedication, expertise and continuous dedication of the medical team at Hong Ngoc Hospital and experts from Facing The World, making a significant contribution to the medical mission for the community of both organizations.
Program WINGS OF DREAMS 2024
Link for information and program registration: https://hongngochospital.vn/phauthuattuthien
Event period: 11.11 - 25.11.2024
Program hotline: 093.223.2017