Still difficult to trade gold rings in HCMC


Many people in Ho Chi Minh City go to stores to trade gold rings, but are unsuccessful, because at this time, major gold brands have no goods to sell.

Last week, the domestic gold ring price continuously reached a peak of over 83 million VND/tael. At large gold shops in Ho Chi Minh City, gold rings continued to be in short supply.

"In the past few days, many customers have come to ask to buy, but the store still doesn't know exactly when the goods will be available again," said an employee of a gold shop on Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street (District 1).

Nhieu cua hang van khong co vang nhan de ban. Anh: Ha May
Many stores still have no gold rings to sell. Photo: Ha May

Recorded on September 30, on the streets with many gold shops such as An Duong Vuong, Nguyen Duy Phuong (District 5), Nguyen Huu Cau (District 1)... there are still plain gold rings for sale under their own brand and at a lower price than the big brands by about 500,000 - 700,000 VND/tael, but the quantity is not much.

Ms. Khanh Ngan, living in District 3, said: “I need to buy some gold as a wedding gift for my nephew, but for the past week, all the big stores said they were out of stock. Then I was introduced to a smaller store to buy it, but the quantity was also limited.”

Expert Tran Duy Phuong - Director of Golden Fund Gold and Gemstone Company - said that the shortage of gold rings not only occurs in large enterprises but also in small gold shops, making it difficult to buy. Therefore, the price of gold is pushed up.

According to economic expert, Dr. Nguyen Tri Hieu, the domestic gold market is currently like a ball, one end is gold bars, the other end is gold rings, if you squeeze one end, the other end will swell. This is also a reason for the increase in gold ring prices, and will continue to fluctuate more strongly in the near future.


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