Workers put aside housework, clear fallen trees to return life to normal

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“These days, I feel very anxious at home. Sometimes I call my two children at home and tell them to climb up to the second floor if water enters the house. That is all I can do because the work of cleaning up fallen trees after storm No. 3 is still very busy here...” - Ms. Ninh Thi Loan - head of the garbage collection team of Hanoi Urban Environment Company, Hoan Kiem branch shared.

Still focused on cleaning up trash even though my heart was burning with fear of water flooding my house

Recalling Sunday morning, September 8, Ms. Loan still cannot describe her feelings at that time. Because, she was really shocked. At 4 am, she and her colleagues in the team were present at the work area, Hoan Kiem Lake. The road from home to there was longer than usual because many familiar roads had fallen trees across them, it was pitch dark, and they had to find another way.

At 5am, the sky began to brighten, everyone in the group started to clear leaves and fallen trees. While working, they felt heartbroken because so many big trees had fallen. At that time, although they were focused on their work, everyone felt sad because it took many years for the trees to grow big and provide shade for passersby. In the past few days, Ms. Loan's group as well as many other environmental workers were working hard.

Those who work from 6am will not return until almost 10pm; those who work from 2pm may not finish until 1-2am the next morning. While working, they keep an eye on the sky and the earth, like on the afternoon of September 11, when the sky and earth darkened and a heavy rain came, everyone had to look up at the remaining treetops, so that if anything happened, they could quickly get away.

In Ms. Loan's group, there are 5-6 people whose families live outside the dike, so every day they go to work, they are always worried. Someone who is working, heard the news of the rising water, called home but could not contact their little daughter. Their hearts were burning, but because of work, they could only call their eldest son and ask him to go find her. Luckily, her brother quickly found her and told his mother so that she could work with peace of mind...

The women’s job now is not only to clean up leaves and trash, but also to use knives to chop up fallen or fallen branches before putting them on the truck to be taken away. “My arms were numb, my hands were blistered, and my feet were soaked in water for hours,” Loan said after returning home at 9:30 p.m. after her shift.

“But we were also very touched. Some people passing by saw our hard work and bought us cakes. Or the police officers couldn’t come to the place so they asked someone to buy water and bring it to where we were working. There were families who were willing to bring out saws to help us cut down and shorten branches for the move. The unit also cared and supported the workers with cash,” Ms. Loan said emotionally.

When asked what she wants now, Loan said: We hope people will join hands to clean up the city. If there are broken branches or fallen leaves in front of your house, sweep them up and clean them up, so the streets will be cleaner faster...

Not only did Hanoi's environmental workers focus their efforts on cleaning up the city, but the staff of Ho Chi Minh City Green Parks Company Limited also participated in overcoming the consequences of storm No. 3 in Hanoi and Hai Phong.

48 officers and employees of the Company divided into 2 working groups, 20 people went to Hanoi City, 28 people went to Hai Phong City, were present on September 9 to coordinate with the Green Park Company of the two cities in supporting the recovery of tree damage. This support force brought along specialized equipment and tools to serve the recovery of fallen trees after the storm.

Cong nhan moi truong do thi va khoi luong cong viec lon sau bao. Anh: Ninh Loan
Urban environmental workers and the large workload after the storm. Photo: Ninh Loan

Unions gain strength

Along with the participation of the entire political system, these days, the Capital's Trade Unions at all levels have actively participated in overcoming the fear of storm No. 3. The Trade Unions have coordinated to reinforce the dikes and support people in areas at risk of being affected by floodwaters to move their assets and livestock, evacuate to safe temporary shelters, and minimize damage to people and property...

Faced with the situation of heavy rain and floods causing rivers to rise, raising flood warning levels, affecting people's lives, activities, and crops, the Trade Union at the grassroots level directly above mobilized union members and workers to join forces to support people in evacuating to safety.

With the motto of preventing rain and flood "4 on the spot", on the nights of September 9 and 10, in some areas affected by rising flood waters, union officials and members urgently and actively worked through the night to support people in evacuating their assets and livestock...

In particular, with the direct presence and timely support of the Trade Union, union members and workers were empowered to overcome difficulties and complete their tasks. On the afternoon of September 8, Chairman of the Hanoi City Labor Federation Pham Quang Thanh visited some areas where urban environmental workers were cleaning up fallen trees and drainage workers to directly visit and encourage them.

The leaders of the City Labor Federation emphasized that despite the large amount of work and having to work in rainy and windy weather conditions, with the spirit of solidarity, determination, and efforts to overcome difficulties, the units and workers have been performing well their assigned tasks, contributing to quickly overcoming incidents after storm No. 3, ensuring people's lives.

Mr. Thanh requested that the Hanoi Construction Trade Union at all levels continue to have practical activities to care for, encourage and provide timely support to union members and workers participating in overcoming incidents after storm No. 3, and at the same time expressed his hope that union members and workers participating in performing tasks must strictly ensure regulations on safety and labor hygiene, avoiding unfortunate incidents.

Many union members and workers expressed their emotions in response to the concern of the Trade Union. Despite the heavy workload and harsh weather conditions, these workers are always cared for, visited and encouraged by the Company's leaders and especially the Trade Union at all levels, so they have more motivation to complete their assigned tasks well.

linh nguyên

Công nhân dành lương ngày thứ 7 hỗ trợ đồng bào bão lũ

Phương Linh |

Khánh Hòa - Trước những mất mát do bão lũ các tỉnh phía Bắc, gần 200 công nhân lao động dành lương ngày làm việc thứ 7 để hỗ trợ đồng bào bị thiệt hại.

Động viên công nhân lao động bị ảnh hưởng bởi bão số 3

Quốc Hưng |

Lãnh đạo Liên đoàn Lao động huyện Lục Nam (tỉnh Bắc Giang) vừa trực tiếp tới thăm các gia đình công nhân lao động bị ảnh hưởng bởi bão số 3.

Động viên công nhân khắc phục hậu quả bão số 3 ở Quảng Ninh

Đoàn Hưng |

Ngày 12.9, LĐLĐ tỉnh Quảng Ninh đã thăm hỏi, động viên và tặng quà công nhân, người lao động đang thực hiện nhiệm vụ khắc phục hậu quả bão số 3.

Tiếp tục huy động 100% lao động thu dọn cây đổ

Hà Anh |

Ngày 10.9, Công ty TNHH MTV Môi trường Đô thị Hà Nội tiếp tục huy động 100% lao động để kịp thời thu dọn cây đổ, cành cây, lá cây...

Huy động 100% công nhân giải tỏa cây đổ, dọn vệ sinh

Việt Lâm |

Chiều 8.9, sau khi cơn bão số 3 quét qua, trời Hà Nội mưa vẫn to, cây đổ, cành cây gẫy, cột chiếu sáng ngổn ngang trên nhiều tuyến phố…

Bão số 3 gây thiệt hại nhiều nơi, cây đổ la liệt

Lệ Hà |

Đến 15 giờ ngày 7.9, do ảnh hưởng của gió rất mạnh và mưa lớn của bão số 3 (Yagi), Hải Phòng, Quảng Ninh chịu nhiều thiệt hại nặng.

Tàn dư bão Yagi hồi sinh, đang hướng thẳng tới Ấn Độ

Thanh Hà |

Bão Yagi, cơn bão số 3 ở Biển Đông gây thiệt hại nặng nề ở Việt Nam, dự báo mạnh lên thành áp thấp nhiệt đới, gây mưa lớn ở Ấn Độ trong tuần tới.

Đường 1.300 tỉ ở Hà Nội đạt 95% khối lượng rồi "đắp chiếu"


Hà Nội - Đạt 95% khối lượng và nhận đủ mặt bằng thi công song đoạn vành đai 2,1km, vốn 1.300 tỉ đồng vẫn chưa hẹn ngày về đích.