Workers spend Saturday salary to support flood victims

Phương Linh |

Khanh Hoa - In the face of losses caused by storms and floods in the northern provinces, nearly 200 workers spent their Saturday salary to support their fellow countrymen who suffered losses.

On the afternoon of September 14, at the DT Khanh Hoa Bird's Nest - Seaweed Factory (Vinh Phuong Commune, Nha Trang City, Khanh Hoa), the Board of Directors coordinated with the Trade Union of DT Khanh Hoa Seaweed Joint Stock Company (D&T Group) to launch a campaign to join hands to support people in provinces affected by storm No. 3.

Ngay sau khi tan ca, gan 200 cong nhan ung ho ngay luong cua minh cho dong bao thiet hai trong bao lu. Anh: Phuong Linh
Right after finishing work, nearly 200 workers donated their day's salary to people affected by the storm and flood. Photo: Phuong Linh

Nearly 200 workers and the entire board of directors of D&T Group participated in the launching ceremony. Sharing with all the workers, Mr. Nguyen Quang Duy - General Director of D&T Group emphasized the heavy losses that people in the Northern provinces have suffered and are suffering after the recent storm and flood.

Anh: Phuong Linh
Mr. Nguyen Quang Duy - General Director of D&T Group called on employees to join hands to support people affected by storms and floods. Photo: Phuong Linh

Statistics show that up to this point, 345 people have died and gone missing due to storms, floods and landslides. "The material damage is immeasurable. Right now, we are standing here, but out there, our people are going through difficult days, struggling and lacking when storms and floods have swept everything away," said Mr. Duy.

With the spirit of solidarity and mutual love, Mr. Duy called on all D&T Group employees to support people in the northern provinces who suffered heavy losses due to the recent storm and flood.

Lanh dao chung tay ho tro nguoi dan cac tinh bi thiet hai trong bao so 3. Anh: Phuong Linh
D&T Group's leadership joins hands to support people in provinces affected by storm No. 3. Photo: Phuong Linh

Whoever has more should contribute more. Whoever has old clothes or other necessities should join hands to contribute to help people overcome the consequences of storms and floods and stabilize their lives.

Quietly holding an envelope as soon as she finished work, Ms. Ngo Thi Le Hoa and many other workers in the packaging team immediately went to the company yard to support the people affected by storm No. 3.

Ms. Hoa shared: "I'm over 50 years old and have never seen such a terrible storm or flood. These past few days, I've been following the news continuously. Just watching it makes me cry, feel sorry for the people in the storm and flood areas who are struggling with natural disasters.

Anh: Phuong Linh
Ms. Ngo Thi Le Hoa contributed her salary from today's work to help people in the flood-hit areas stabilize their lives soon. Photo: Phuong Linh

When I heard that the Union and the company launched a support campaign, I and many other workers immediately supported. We spent our Saturday salary today to contribute our small effort to help the people out there stabilize their lives soon."

According to Mr. Mai Huu Hoi - Chairman of D&T Group Trade Union, all nearly 200 workers working at the factory decided to donate their salary from today to support people in flood-hit areas. The total amount of donations is nearly 70 million VND, of which the company's general director donated 10 million VND. All donations will be transferred to the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Khanh Hoa province.

Dong hanh cung thieu nhi dip Tet Trung thu D&T Group trao 1.200 suat qua (moi suat 260.000 dong) cho cac em ngheo, tre em vung cao...Anh: Phuong Linh
Accompanying children on the occasion of Mid-Autumn Festival, D&T Group gave 1,600 gifts (each worth 260,000 VND) to poor children and children in mountainous areas... Photo: Phuong Linh

On the evening of the same day (September 14), at the factory, D&T Group organized the 2024 Full Moon Festival for 350 gifts for children in Vinh Phuong and Vinh Luong communes. At the same time, gifts were given to encourage learning and celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival for children of staff and workers.

Phương Linh

Cứu trợ bão lũ, tấm lòng thì không nên đong đếm bằng con số

Hoàng Văn Minh |

Thật đáng trách khi nhiều người thổi phồng số tiền mình đã ủng hộ để cứu trợ đồng bào chịu ảnh hưởng bão lũ ở miền Bắc.

Tinh thần đoàn kết góp phần giảm thiểu thiệt hại của bão lũ

Phạm Đông |

Thủ tướng Chính phủ nhấn mạnh trong cơn hoạn nạn, tinh thần đoàn kết, bản lĩnh sức mạnh của dân tộc đã góp phần giảm thiểu thiệt hại của cơn bão số 3.

Đình chỉ 2 chủ tịch xã ở Lào Cai do lơ là phòng chống bão lũ

Bảo Nguyên |

UBND huyện Bát Xát, tỉnh Lào Cai vừa ra quyết định đình chỉ công tác đối Chủ tịch UBND xã Trung Lèng Hồ và Pa Cheo do vi phạm quy định phòng, chống bão lũ.

Vận động ủng hộ đồng bào bị thiệt hại do bão lũ

Hà Anh |

LĐLĐ tỉnh Hưng Yên vừa có chỉ đạo tới các đơn vị về việc vận động ủng hộ đồng bào bị thiệt hại do bão lũ.

Phó Thủ tướng Thường trực Nguyễn Hòa Bình nhận thêm nhiệm vụ


Phó Thủ tướng Thường trực Chính phủ Nguyễn Hòa Bình được phân công là Tổ trưởng Tổ công tác cải cách thủ tục hành chính của Thủ tướng Chính phủ.

Khách Hàn Quốc đổ xô du lịch Việt Nam dịp Trung Thu

Đan Thanh |

Kỳ nghỉ Tết Trung thu năm nay, khách Hàn Quốc du lịch nội địa và quốc tế tăng mạnh, đặc biệt tới Thái Lan, Việt Nam.

Còn vướng mắc thi hành 3 luật mới về thị trường bất động sản

Thạch Lam |

Mặc dù hàng loạt nghị định, thông tư hướng dẫn được ban hành nhưng việc thi hành 3 luật về thị trường bất động sản vẫn còn những khó khăn nhất định.

2 công ty gạch ở Đồng Nai nợ lương khoảng 200 công nhân


Đồng Nai - Khoảng 200 công nhân Công ty TNHH Sản xuất gạch men King Minh và Công ty TNHH Gạch Granite Đồng Nai bị nợ lương và bảo hiểm xã hội nhiều tháng.

Flood relief, kindness should not be measured by numbers

Hoàng Văn Minh |

It is regrettable that many people exaggerate the amount of money they have donated to help flood victims in the North.

Solidarity helps reduce damage from storms and floods

Phạm Đông |

The Prime Minister emphasized that in times of trouble, the spirit of solidarity and the strength of the nation contributed to minimizing the damage of storm No. 3.

Suspending 2 commune chairmen in Lao Cai for neglecting flood and storm prevention

Bảo Nguyên |

The People's Committee of Bat Xat district, Lao Cai province has just issued a decision to suspend the work of the Chairman of the People's Committee of Trung Leng Ho and Pa Cheo communes for violating regulations on storm and flood prevention.

Campaign to support people affected by storms and floods

Hà Anh |

The Hung Yen Provincial Federation of Labor has just issued instructions to units on mobilizing support for people affected by storms and floods.