Proud to be a worker of the capital

Linh Nguyên |

For us, this is not a contest but a path back to Hanoi's history, so that each person feels the need to live better, work harder for a love for Hanoi, for the city's Trade Union organization. Ms. Nguyen Thi Ha - a supporter of the Dan Phuong District Labor Federation team at the contest "Hanoi Trade Union - Journey of construction and development" - shared.

Each union member and worker understands and loves Hanoi more.

The contest “Hanoi Trade Union - Journey of construction and development” organized by the Hanoi City Labor Federation is one of the meaningful activities to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Liberation of the Capital (October 10, 1954 - October 10, 2024). After the preliminary round was held at 8 competition clusters of the City Labor Federation, 8 teams were selected for the final round. Each round has 3 parts: Warm-up, Understanding and Emotion.

In the final round, the performances of all teams left an unforgettable impression. Because they were the genuine and touching feelings of each child of the capital, of each union member, worker of Hanoi and of the children from other rural areas coming to Hanoi to work in Hanoi's Industrial - Export Processing Zones.

The team from Thanh Oai District Labor Federation is one of the units that brought many emotions to the audience. In the "Emotion" contest, the team from Thanh Oai District Labor Federation recreated a heroic space of Hanoi - the October days 70 years ago. In addition to songs praising Hanoi, there were also scenes about Hanoi at that time. Since the idea, Thanh Oai Labor Union has organized historical research to build content for the contest performance. In particular, ensuring authenticity, from the color of the army uniforms, the militia uniforms, the French soldiers' uniforms. Besides that, there are the settings and props. Each item is researched and prepared to every detail... The process of learning about Hanoi's history, especially the battles to protect the beloved Capital and the history of the Capital Liberation Day is an opportunity for each union member and worker of Thanh Oai District to understand and love Hanoi more.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Hao - Chairwoman of Thanh Oai District Labor Federation said that the district Labor Federation currently manages 165 grassroots unions with 6,500 union members. At the grassroots level, Thanh Oai District Labor Federation coordinated with Hanoi Construction Trade Union to organize the contest "Hanoi Trade Union - Journey of construction and development". Union members and grassroots unions were very excited and enthusiastic to participate because according to them, this was an opportunity to gain more understanding about Vietnam Trade Union, about Hanoi's history and about the contributions of the Capital Trade Union to Hanoi City...

Moreover, through that, each union member and worker not only gains more love for the Capital and the Trade Union, but also sees their responsibility to contribute and work better for the development of Hanoi. The result of this learning process is also shown in the fact that contestant Nguyen Thi Minh Nguyen of the team from Thanh Oai District Labor Federation won the prize for the "Best Understanding" contest. In addition to correctly answering the multiple choice questions, Ms. Minh Nguyen also answered very well the questions of the jury members about the motto of the 13th Congress of the Vietnam Trade Union. Besides the motto "Innovation - Democracy - Solidarity - Development", Ms. Nguyen also clearly expressed her views on the motto of the Congress. From here, we can see the fundamental understanding of a union official and member about the Vietnam Trade Union organization.

From the audience seats of the contest, Ms. Nguyen Thi Ha - a supporter of the Dan Phuong District Labor Federation team could not hide her emotions when sharing: Watching the performances of the competing teams, we felt like we were reliving the historical years of the Capital, even though none of the people sitting here were born at that time. Moreover, there was knowledge about the Vietnam Trade Union and Hanoi Trade Union that we did not fully understand, but through the contest we understood better. Each of us saw our own responsibility - a Trade Union member, a citizen of the Capital in life, in work...

Cac co dong vien la can bo, doan vien, nguoi lao dong. Anh: Manh Quan
The fans are cadres, union members, and workers. Photo: Manh Quan

Looking back on the past to be more proud and confident in the Trade Union organization

Discussing the contest, Mr. Le Dinh Hung - Member of the Executive Committee of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, Permanent Vice President of the Hanoi City Labor Federation said that the contest not only has the meaning of educating traditions, but is also an opportunity for everyone to look back on the past journey of the Trade Union organization, from the early days of establishment to the proud achievements today. At the same time, this is also an opportunity for union members, workers, and grassroots Trade Unions to exchange, learn, and share experiences. From there, continue to consolidate, build and develop the Trade Union organization to become stronger and stronger.

The entries all demonstrated a deep understanding of the history and traditions of the Trade Union as well as the creativity of the teams. For example, in the "Understanding" section, the questions revolved around the content of learning about the glorious traditions of the Vietnam Trade Union, the Hanoi Trade Union, the Vietnamese working class and union members, workers, civil servants and laborers in the capital; the core content of the Party's Directives and Resolutions, the Resolutions of the Trade Union Congresses at all levels, term 2023 - 2028; the history, thousand-year-old tradition of culture and heroism of Thang Long - Hanoi; the achievements of the capital in 70 years of construction and development.

In particular, the teams brought the message "The Capital's Trade Unions at all levels promote tradition, continue to innovate, focus on the grassroots, build an increasingly strong team of workers, civil servants and laborers in the Capital, contributing to building the Party, building the government, building a Cultural - Civilized - Modern Capital"...

The contest “Hanoi Trade Union - Journey of construction and development” is just one of a series of activities organized by the Hanoi Trade Union towards the 70th anniversary of the Liberation of the Capital. Previously, the Hanoi City Labor Federation also organized many activities and launched many movements to create conditions for union members and workers to gain more understanding and contribute more to the Capital. One of them is the exhibition of photos of the Hanoi Trade Union participating in building the "Cultured - Civilized - Modern Capital".

More than 100 photos on display are divided into 6 groups of images with the following contents: Uncle Ho with the Trade Union organization and workers in the Capital; Leaders of the Party, State and Hanoi City with the Trade Union, union members and workers in the Capital; activities and care of the Trade Union at all levels in the Capital with union members and workers; competitions for skilled workers, skill training and emulation movements of the Trade Union at all levels in Hanoi City; promoting the glorious tradition, workers, civil servants, and union members in the Capital enthusiastically working and producing, contributing to the development of the Capital; pride in the Capital Hanoi today.

Each work on display is a meaningful message conveying to viewers a vivid and authentic sense of the life and work of union members, workers and civil servants, reflecting the development and great direct contributions of union members, workers and civil servants and the City Trade Union in the process of industrialization and modernization of the capital and the country.

In particular, through the works, viewers can clearly see the efforts of the Capital Trade Union at all levels to constantly innovate the content and methods of operation, focusing on the grassroots level to better represent, care for the lives, protect the legitimate rights and interests of workers; and unite union members and workers into the Vietnam Trade Union organization.

Linh Nguyên

Xây dựng điểm tựa cho lao động phi chính thức

Phương Linh |

Khánh Hòa có hơn 600.000 người trong độ tuổi lao động, chiếm đa số trong đó nằm ở khu vực phi chính thức. Với nỗ lực xây dựng điểm tựa cho lao động phi chính thức, các cấp Công đoàn Khánh Hòa đã và đang thúc đẩy phát triển thành lập các nghiệp đoàn nghề đặc thù.

Người lao động Đà Nẵng háo hức chờ "Bước chạy Kết nối 2024"

Nguyễn Linh |

Người lao động tại Đà Nẵng đang háo hức chờ đến ngày giải chạy bộ “Bước chạy Kết nối 2024” diễn ra.

Quảng Ninh ổn định việc làm cho người lao động sau bão

Đoàn Hưng |

Sau bão, các cấp công đoàn đã kịp thời nắm bắt tình hình, làm cầu nối hỗ trợ doanh nghiệp và người lao động khắc phục hậu quả, khôi phục sản xuất, ổn định việc làm.

Đánh bom xe chết người ở nhà máy hạt nhân lớn nhất châu Âu

Song Minh |

Ukraina ca ngợi vụ đánh bom xe khiến nhân viên nhà máy hạt nhân lớn nhất châu Âu thiệt mạng.

Giá vàng hôm nay 6.10: Lỗ nặng sau một tuần mua vào

Khương Duy |

Giá vàng hôm nay 6.10: Sau một tuần mua vào, nhà đầu tư trong nước có thể lỗ tới 1,5 triệu đồng/lượng.

Bốc thăm môn thi thứ 3 vào lớp 10 là không khoa học

Vân Trang |

Có ý kiến giáo viên cho rằng, việc bốc thăm môn thi thứ 3 vào lớp 10 là không khoa học, gây áp lực cho học sinh.

Xác định người trúng tuyển trong kỳ thi tuyển công chức


Quy định về việc xác định người trúng tuyển trong kỳ thi tuyển công chức đã được sửa đổi, bổ sung mới nhất theo Nghị định 116/2024/NĐ-CP.

Diện mạo đền thiêng biên giới vừa được trùng tu 47 tỉ đồng

Đinh Đại |

Lào Cai - Sau nhiều tháng trùng tu, di tích Đền Thượng và Đền Am ở TP Lào Cai được đầu tư 47 tỉ đồng đã hoàn thiện 99%.

Building a foothold for informal workers

Phương Linh |

Khanh Hoa has more than 600,000 people of working age, the majority of whom are in the informal sector. In an effort to build a foothold for informal workers, Khanh Hoa Trade Unions at all levels have been promoting the establishment of specialized trade unions.

Da Nang workers eagerly await "Connecting Run 2024"

Nguyễn Linh |

Workers in Da Nang are eagerly waiting for the "Connecting Steps 2024" running race to take place.

Quang Ninh stabilizes jobs for workers after the storm

Đoàn Hưng |

After the storm, trade unions at all levels promptly grasped the situation, acted as a bridge to support businesses and workers to overcome the consequences, restore production, and stabilize employment.