Confederation of Labor of Quang Binh province

Industry Union gives Mid-Autumn gifts to 200 children


Quang Binh - Nearly 200 children of union members and workers celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival together and received gifts from the Union.

Quang Binh Trade Union supports Northern compatriots


On the afternoon of September 12, the grassroots trade union of the Quang Binh Provincial Federation of Labor organized a donation to support union members, workers and people in the North.

Trade unions at all levels in Quang Binh support people in the North


In recent days, trade unions at all levels in Quang Binh have launched campaigns to support people in the northern provinces in overcoming the consequences of storm No. 3.

Giving gifts to forest protection stations and union members in difficult circumstances


The Quang Trach District Labor Federation ( Quang Binh ) has just presented gas stoves and tables to two forest protection stations and union members in difficult circumstances in the area.

Handing over the cultural house yard project in Phong Nha town


Dong Hoi City Labor Federation ( Quang Binh ) has just coordinated with the City Veterans Association to hand over the community cultural house yard project in Rao Con village.

Minh Hoa District Labor Federation presents national flag to people


Minh Hoa District Labor Federation ( Quang Binh province ) said that it has just organized a ceremony to present the national flag to the people of Ong Tu village, Trong Hoa commune, Minh Hoa district.

2.9 holiday bonus, bringing warmth to workers


Many businesses in Quang Binh have spent hundreds of millions, up to more than 1 billion VND to reward workers on September 2nd .

Quang Binh Agricultural Trade Union sponsors orphans


Quang Binh Agricultural Trade Union visited and provided support for 6 months in 2024 to a foster care recipient .

Quang Binh Education Trade Union ensures workers' benefits


On the afternoon of August 29, the Education Trade Union of Quang Binh province held a conference to summarize union activities in the 2023-2024 school year and key tasks for the 2024-2025 school year.

Trade Union meal came to nearly 1,000 workers


All 920 workers of Quang Binh S&D Co., Ltd. and delegates ate the Trade Union Meal together .

70 officials were trained in trade union skills


On August 25, the Confederation of Labor of Le Thuy district ( Quang Binh province) said that it had just organized a trade union professional training class for 70 grassroots union officials.

Office of the First Department of the Quang Binh Transport Industry Sports Festival


The organizing committee awarded collective and individual awards in 4 subjects: Tennis, Table Tennis, Badminton, Chinese Chess at the Quang Binh Transport Industry Sports Festival .

More than 130 union members in Quang Binh warmed up at the "Trade Union Meal"


More than 130 union members and workers in Quang Binh recently participated in the "Trade Union Meal".

More than 150 people participated in the Quang Binh Transport industry sports festival


153 athletes from 22 units related to the Transport industry (MOT) in Quang Binh participated in the XXV industry sports festival in 2024.

Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor encouraged workers to construct the 500kV circuit 3 line in Quang Binh


Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Nguyen Dinh Khang and the delegation directly visited and encouraged workers at the 500kV Quang Trach transformer station ( Quang Binh ).

More than 5 billion VND came to union members in Dong Hoi City


From the beginning of the year until now, Communist unions in Dong Hoi City ( Quang Binh ) have organized visiting activities and given gifts to union members and workers with an amount of over 5 billion VND.

Quang Binh Confederation of Labor received the Government Emulation Flag


Quang Binh Confederation of Labor held a ceremony to receive the Government Emulation Flag and praise the excellent Grassroots Trade Union President.

Handing over 4 "Trade Union Shelters" to disadvantaged union members


Quang Binh Industry and Trade Union has just awarded 4 Trade Union Shelters with a total value of 170 million VND to support families of workers with housing difficulties.

Nhu Xuan Labor Union sponsored orphan students

Đoàn Lưu - LĐLĐ huyện Như Xuân |

On August 18, the Confederation of Labor of Nhu Xuan district, Thanh Hoa province said that it had just sponsored and awarded scholarships to orphans in the area.

Establishment of the Central Vocational College of the North Central region


Quang Binh - North Central Vocational College has just established a Communist Union with 42 union members.