Confederation of Labor of Quang Binh province

Industry Union gives Mid-Autumn gifts to 200 children


Quang Binh - Nearly 200 children of union members and workers celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival together and received gifts from the Union.

Quang Binh Trade Union supports Northern compatriots


On the afternoon of September 12, the grassroots trade union of the Quang Binh Provincial Federation of Labor organized a donation to support union members, workers and people in the North.

Trade unions at all levels in Quang Binh support people in the North


In recent days, trade unions at all levels in Quang Binh have launched campaigns to support people in the northern provinces in overcoming the consequences of storm No. 3.

Giving gifts to forest protection stations and union members in difficult circumstances


The Quang Trach District Labor Federation ( Quang Binh ) has just presented gas stoves and tables to two forest protection stations and union members in difficult circumstances in the area.

Handing over the cultural house yard project in Phong Nha town


Dong Hoi City Labor Federation ( Quang Binh ) has just coordinated with the City Veterans Association to hand over the community cultural house yard project in Rao Con village.

Supported more than 110 million VND in shift meals for workers


The Quang Binh Confederation of Labor decided to allocate more than 110 million VND to the Confederations of Labor of districts, towns and cities to support shift meals for workers.

Organize trade unions to reach people in difficult areas


The Confederation of Labor of Minh Hoa district ( Quang Binh province ) has just coordinated with the district Health Center to provide free medical examinations, medicine and gifts to people in difficult areas .

Trade Union of Commerce in Quang Binh Organizes Activities for Workers


The Industry Federation of The Trade Quảng Bình has recently organized meaningful activities in support of workers and laborers.

For 95 years, the Quang Binh Confederation of Labor has innovated, focusing on workers


Quang Binh - 95 years since the founding of the Vietnam Trade Union, the Quang Binh Confederation of Labor has always innovated its form to target union members and workers.

Quang Trach District Labor Federation looks forward to War Invalids and Martyrs Day


Quang Binh - Trade unions at all levels of the Confederation of Labor of Quang Trach district have organized many activities to pay tribute to wounded soldiers, martyrs , and people with meritorious services to the revolution.

Many activities to care for members of Quang Binh Economic Zone


A series of activities in the first 6 months of the year supported workers and trade union members of Quang Binh Economic Zone .

Quang Binh has a new Chairman of the Federation of Labor of Tuyen Hoa district


Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Quan has just been elected Chairman of the Confederation of Labor of Tuyen Hoa district ( Quang Binh province ).

Established a new grassroots union in Quang Binh


Quang Binh - The union of Do Re Mi Montessori Kindergarten has just been established with 12 union members.

Gần 200 vận động viên dự giải bóng chuyền công nhân lao động


Gần 200 vận động viên đến từ các công đoàn trực thuộc LĐLĐ tỉnh Quảng Bình tham gia giải bóng chuyền truyền thống CNVCLĐ lần thứ XXVII.

Giving away computers to members of the Quang Binh Forest Protection Department


The Labor Confederation of Quang Binh province has just donated a set of computers and printers to union members of the Forest Protection Department with a value of 15 million VND.

More than 200 union members joined the fisheries union in Quang Binh


Quang Binh - Canh Duong Commune Fisheries Union (Quang Trach District) has just been established with more than 200 members.

27 gifts came to union members and difficult workers in Dong Hoi City


27 gifts have just been given by the Labor Federation of Dong Hoi City ( Quang Binh province ) to union members and disadvantaged workers .

Exciting men's volleyball tournament of Dong Hoi City Labor Federation in 2024


On July 14, Dong Hoi City Labor Federation ( Quang Binh province ) said that it had just successfully organized the 2024 Men's Volleyball Tournament.

Khánh thành nhà nội trú dành cho giáo viên, cán bộ vùng khó khăn


Quảng Bình - Nhà nội trú với 5 phòng, tích hợp nhiều công năng sử dụng vừa được LĐLĐ tỉnh khánh thành, bàn giao cho xã Lâm Thủy.

LĐLĐ thị xã Ba Đồn thành lập thêm hai công đoàn cơ sở ngoài nhà nước


Ngày 8.7, LĐLĐ thị xã Ba Đồn (tỉnh Quảng Bình) cho biết, đơn vị vừa tổ chức lễ công bố quyết định thành lập công đoàn cơ sở Công ty Cổ phần 207 và công đoàn cơ sở Phòng khám tư vấn và điều trị dự phòng Tâm An với tổng cộng 40 đoàn viên.