Giving gifts to union members affected by natural disasters in Thai Nguyen

Lam Thanh |

On the afternoon of September 21, the Thai Nguyen Provincial Federation of Labor organized a program to receive support and give gifts to union members affected by storm No. 3.

Attending the program were Mr. Nguyen Xuan Hung - Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor (VGCL) and leaders and representatives of the Labor Confederations of Ha Tinh and Dong Nai provinces.

On the side of Thai Nguyen province, there were Mr. Pham Viet Dung - Chairman of the Provincial Labor Federation, leaders of units receiving support and union members and workers affected by storm No. 3.

LDLD tinh Thai Nguyen tiep nhan ho tro tu LDLD tinh Ha Tinh. Anh: Lam Thanh

Thai Nguyen Provincial Federation of Labor receives support from Ha Tinh Provincial Federation of Labor. Photo: Lam Thanh

Reporting on the damage caused by storm No. 3, Chairman of the Thai Nguyen Provincial Federation of Labor Pham Viet Dung said that storm No. 3 had caused great damage to the lives of people, including civil servants and workers in Thai Nguyen province; causing flooding in 6/9 administrative units of the locality.

"Flood water rose beyond the historical level of the past 60 years, inundating over 9,000 hectares of rice and crops, affecting 93 schools in the province, and severely damaging many teaching aids and equipment.

The number of houses severely damaged is 538, quick statistics from the Provincial Federation of Labor show that over 13 thousand union members' houses were flooded. The storm circulation caused heavy rain and flooding affecting people's lives," Mr. Dung emphasized.

According to the Chairman of the Thai Nguyen Provincial Federation of Labor, the encouragement and sharing from the leaders of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor and other provinces is truly timely. These are special sentiments, helping union members and workers in Thai Nguyen province overcome immediate difficulties and soon stabilize their lives.

Pho Chu tich LDLD Viet Nam Nguyen Xuan Hung phat bieu tai chuong trinh. Anh: Lam Thanh

Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Nguyen Xuan Hung speaks at the program. Photo: Lam Thanh

Speaking at the program, Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Nguyen Xuan Hung shared the difficulties and heavy losses of Thai Nguyen province due to storm No. 3. Agencies, businesses, and workers suffered losses and temporarily had their jobs affected.

The Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor requested that all levels of the Thai Nguyen provincial trade union report fully and continue to review workers and laborers affected by natural disasters and unemployment to promptly provide encouragement and support; helping union members to soon stabilize their lives and overcome difficulties.

At the same time, the Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor praised the Labor Federations of Ha Tinh and Dong Nai provinces, and the grassroots trade union of TKG Teakwang Vina Company for supporting Thai Nguyen province in difficult times.

At the program, the Ha Tinh Provincial Federation of Labor donated 148 million VND to support union members and workers in Thai Nguyen province; the TNK TeaWang Vina Company Union under the Dong Nai Provincial Federation of Labor donated 300 million VND. The Ho Chi Minh City Family Entrepreneurs Club donated 100 million VND, and the Thanh Hoa Provincial Federation of Labor donated 100 million VND.

After receiving the support, the Thai Nguyen Provincial Federation of Labor directly presented 80 gifts to union members and workers affected by natural disasters, each gift worth 1 million VND; and provided support to 4 schools damaged by floods, each gift worth 20 million VND.

On this occasion, Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Nguyen Xuan Hung and leaders of the provincial labor federations directly presented support gifts at the workers' dormitories. Support was given to 2 Trade Union Shelters. The remaining support gifts will continue to be sent by the Thai Nguyen Provincial Labor Federation to union members and workers affected by floods.

Some pictures at the program:

Trao qua ho tro cho cac doan vien, nguoi lao dong bi anh huong boi thien tai. Anh: Lam Thanh

Giving gifts to support union members and workers affected by natural disasters. Photo: Lam Thanh

Trao ho tro 4 truong hoc bi thiet hai do mua lu. Anh: Lam Thanh

Providing support to 4 schools damaged by floods. Photo: Lam Thanh

Pho Chu tich Tong LDLDVN tham hoi, trao qua ho tro cac doan vien. Anh: Lam Thanh

Vice President of Vietnam General Confederation of Labor visits and presents gifts to support union members. Photo: Lam Thanh

Trao ho tro nha Mai am Cong doan. Anh: Lam Thanh

Giving support to the Trade Union Shelter. Photo: Lam Thanh

Trao ho tro doan vien bi thiet hai do mua lu. Anh: Lam Thanh

Providing support to union members affected by floods. Photo: Lam Thanh
Lam Thanh

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