Free medical examination for hundreds of union members and workers


Thanh Hoa - On October 13, the Thanh Hoa Provincial Labor Federation coordinated with the Viet Nhat - Hanoi General Clinic to provide free medical examinations for hundreds of union members in the area.

The free medical examination location was held at the Provincial Labor Culture House. Here, workers were examined by doctors for free, including: Basic index tests; liver function tests; GOT, GGT, 4 blood lipid indexes; Cholesterol, Triglyceride, LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol and 10 indexes in the total urine analysis; thyroid ultrasound; abdominal ultrasound...

Doan vien, nguoi lao dong lam thu tuc kham benh mien phi. Anh: Quach Du
Union members and workers complete procedures for free medical examination. Photo: Quach Du

According to the Thanh Hoa Provincial Federation of Labor, the free medical examination for workers under the welfare program for union members is organized in two phases. This phase of medical examination takes place over two days (October 12 and 13) at the Labor Culture House.

Dai dien lanh dao LDLD tinh Thanh Hoa tham hoi tinh hinh suc khoe, doi song cua doan vien, nguoi lao dong. Anh: Quach Du
Representatives of the Thanh Hoa Provincial Federation of Labor visited the health and living conditions of union members and workers. Photo: Quach Du

Here, doctors and nurses examined 450 union members of the Thanh Hoa Provincial Civil Servants' Union and the Nghi Son Economic Zone and Industrial Zones Union of Thanh Hoa Province.

Cac y, bac si kham benh mien phi cho doan vien, nguoi lao dong tai Nha van hoa Lao dong tinh Thanh Hoa. Anh: Quach Du
Doctors and nurses provide free medical examinations to union members and workers at the Thanh Hoa Provincial Labor Culture House. Photo: Quach Du

Previously, the first medical examination took place on September 22 at the Labor Culture House and examined about 250 workers of the Thanh Hoa City Labor Federation and the Education Trade Union.


Police investigate case of student forced to eat dirt and video recorded


Nghe An - A middle school student in Nam Dan district was threatened and forced to eat dirt by some people and then filmed.

Partying in apartment hallways: Bonding or hassle?


From a cultural perspective, although parties in apartment hallways are an opportunity to strengthen neighborhood ties, they also cause many worrisome issues.

Gold price today October 23: Gold ring increased by 700,000 VND


Gold price today October 23: The world gold market is hovering around an all-time high. Domestically, the price of plain gold rings continues to increase sharply.

Ms. Harris takes the lead over Mr. Trump before the US election


Democratic candidate Kamala Harris leads Republican rival Donald Trump in the latest US presidential election poll.

School violence from the perspective of students


Can Tho - Many solutions to prevent and combat school violence were discussed by students at the 2nd Children's National Assembly Mock Session in 2024.

The "business giants" mobilize the most bond capital


Banks continue to be a bright spot in the corporate bond market, with many banks leading the issuance volume across the market.

Chronic patients hope to be provided with long-term health insurance drugs


The Ministry of Health is piloting the outpatient prescription of chronic diseases for a maximum of 90 days. In response to this information, many patients expressed their desire to receive long-term health insurance-covered drugs.

Hơn 100 công nhân lao động ở Thái Bình được khám bệnh, phát thuốc miễn phí

Bá Mạnh (LĐLĐ Thái Bình) |

Thái Bình - Ngày 17.5, Liên đoàn lao động (LĐLĐ) huyện Tiền Hải (tỉnh Thái Bình) phối hợp với Trung tâm Y tế huyện tổ chức chương trình khám bệnh, tư vấn, phát thuốc miễn phí cho công nhân lao động thuộc Công ty TNHH Công nghệ Gốm sứ OHIO.

LĐLĐ TP Rạch Giá tổ chức thăm khám bệnh, tặng quà nhân Tháng Công nhân


Trong chuỗi hoạt động Tháng Công nhân 2024, LĐLĐ TP Rạch Giá đã tổ chức nhiều hoạt động thiết thực chăm lo cho đoàn viên, người lao động như tổ chức xét nghiệm tầm soát ung thư, xét nghiệm mỡ máu, khám răng, trám răng, vệ sinh răng miệng miễn phí, thăm hỏi đoàn viên, người lao động bị tai nạn lao động; tặng quà cho đoàn viên, người lao động có hoàn cảnh khó khăn.

Hàng trăm công nhân Yên Bái được khám bệnh miễn phí

Bảo Nguyên |

Ngày 12.5, Liên đoàn Lao động tỉnh Yên Bái phối hợp với Sở Y tế tổ chức Chương trình tư vấn, khám sức khỏe miễn phí cho trên 200 công nhân lao động Công ty Cổ phần An Tiến.