Weather forecast for the next 24 to 48 hours
The National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting said that in the next 24 to 48 hours, the weather in the North and Central regions will continue to be affected by cold air.
Northern and North Central regions have some rain, sunny in the afternoon. Cold weather, mountainous areas of the North are very cold, some places are very cold.
The Central Central region has rain, showers, locally moderate rain, heavy rain; from February 5, rain will decrease. The North will be cold.
Other areas are sunny during the day and have some rain at night.
Weather changes from night 5.2 to 13.2
The National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting has made comments on notable weather trends in some areas from the night of February 5 to February 13.
The Northern and North Central regions from February 7 to 8 will have scattered rain and showers. From February 9 to 10, the Northern and North Central regions will have rain in some places, with scattered fog and light fog in the early morning, and sunny weather in the Northwest in the afternoon. From February 11 to 12, the above two regions will have scattered rain and showers. From February 5 to 7, it will be cold, and from February 8 to 10, there is a possibility of severe cold. From February 11 to 13, it will be cold.
In the Central Central region from February 6 to 7, it is forecasted to have rain in some places, with scattered fog and light fog in the early morning, sunny in the afternoon; cold at night and in the morning. From February 8 to 11, the Central Central region will have rain, showers, locally heavy rain and thunderstorms. The northern part of the Central Central region will have cold weather.
Other areas from the night of February 5 to February 13, forecasted to have showers and thunderstorms at night, sunny during the day.