Kien Giang police go to Lao Cai to support people after the storm


The working group of Kien Giang Provincial Police has completed its emergency support mission in Lao Cai province, which was heavily affected by storm No. 3 (storm Yagi).

Faced with the serious damage in many localities in the Northern region, especially Lao Cai, the Director of Kien Giang Provincial Police quickly directed the launch of an emergency donation campaign. In addition, the Provincial Police sent a relief delegation directly to Lao Cai province to help people affected by storms and floods.

In Lao Cai province, the delegation presented 120 cash gifts (each worth VND2 million) and distributed 55 tons of goods (rice, instant noodles, milk, clothes, school supplies and essential necessities). The goods were transported by Team 68 to Van Ban, Bac Ha and Si Ma Cai districts, the districts that suffered the most damage.

Ba con dia phuong vung bi thiet hai cam on tinh cam cua luc luong Cong an da den tan noi ho tro. Anh: Cong an Kien Giang
Local people in the affected area thank the police force for coming to support them. Photo: Kien Giang Police

Senior Lieutenant colonel Duong Huu Binh - Deputy Head of Division Advice (as Head of the Delegation) and members of the Delegation kindly visited and encouraged households to quickly overcome the consequences, stabilize their lives and restore production. The support from Kien Giang Provincial Police in particular and other organizations, units and individuals in general not only has material value but also is a source of spiritual encouragement to help people in flood-hit areas overcome difficulties and restart their lives.

In Quan Ho Than commune (Si Ma Cai district) and Lung Phinh commune (Bac Ha district), the working delegation worked with the Party Committee and People's Committee of the communes to clearly understand the damage situation and the support needs of the people.

Truoc do, de kip thoi chia se va ung ho dong bao phia Bac khac phuc hau qua thien tai, Cong an tinh Kien Giang to chuc le phat dong keu goi toan the can bo, chien si bang tinh cam va tinh than tuong than tuong ai, phat huy tinh than “la lanh dum la rach”. Qua do da ung ho tien nham giup dong bao cac tinh mien Bac vuot qua kho khan, gop phan cung Dang, Nha nuoc nhanh chong khoi phuc san xuat, on dinh doi song Nhan dan. Tai Le phat dong, lanh dao, can bo chien si Cong an toan tinh da quyen gop, ung ho nhan dan bi thiet hai do con bao so 3 gay ra duoc so tien tren 2,3 ti dong.
A working group of Kien Giang Provincial Police went to the scene to support people in Lao Cai province, which was heavily affected by storm No. 3 (typhoon Yagi). Photo: Kien Giang Police

Chairman of the People's Committee of Quan Ho Than commune said that storm No. 3 caused a major flood, with some places having the flood rising up to 7m, causing the commune headquarters to be completely submerged up to the 2nd floor, forcing the operation to be relocated to the commune health station. Although the commune had no human casualties, 142 households were seriously affected, of which 35 households suffered complete loss. All of the people's crops were buried, causing damage that greatly affected their lives. The locality is very grateful for the help and support from near and far that has given them more motivation to stabilize their lives.

Previously, in order to promptly share and support the people in the North to overcome the consequences of natural disasters, Kien Giang Provincial Police organized a launching ceremony calling on all officers and soldiers with affection and the spirit of mutual love, promoting the spirit of "the healthy leaves cover the torn leaves". Thereby, they donated money to help the people in the Northern provinces overcome difficulties, contributing to the Party and State to quickly restore production and stabilize people's lives. At the launching ceremony, leaders and officers of the Provincial Police donated and supported people affected by storm No. 3 with an amount of over 2.3 billion VND.


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Công an Kiên Giang góp hơn 1.000 đơn vị máu


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Đại úy Công an kịp thời hiến máu cứu bệnh nhi 6 tuổi


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Police of 5 provinces build bridges for poor people and students in remote areas


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Kien Giang Police donated more than 1,000 units of blood


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Police Captain promptly donated blood to save a 6-year-old patient


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