Cuong Gian Kindergarten has 735 children aged 3 to 5 years old. Cuong Gian 2 Primary School has 278 students. These are schools with many difficulties in facilities and not qualified for teaching and learning equipment and equipment. To improve the school's facilities to meet the standards of facilities for kindergartens and primary schools according to Circular No. 23/2024/TT-BGDDT of the Ministry of Education and Training, Green School visited and presented gifts to students of schools including: 2 TVs and 1 computer to Cuong Gian Kindergarten and 3 computers to Cuong Gian 2 Primary School.
Mr. Tran Duc Lam, Party Secretary, Chairman of the People's Council of the commune and Mr. Hoang Van Ha, Chairman of the People's Committee of Cuong Gian commune, attended and thanked Green School for supporting schools in difficult circumstances in the commune.
Mr. Hoang Van Ha, Chairman of the People's Committee of Cuong Gian commune, said that Cuong Gian is the area with the most exported workers in Ha Tinh as well as in the whole country. Many families, since childhood, have not been able to live with their parents and grandparents as the main caregivers for their children, the difference in living standards between exported workers and other families has affected the living and learning conditions of poor households in the area.
Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu Huyen, Principal of Cuong Gian Kindergarten, said that the school has the largest number of students in the district, and the teachers are trying very hard to support children with autism, hyperactivity, and slow speech. However, due to the difficult conditions of the school's poor facilities, the gift from Green School is of great significance in supporting the school to meet the new regulations on facilities according to the standards of the Ministry of Education and Training.
Ms. Tran Thi Thoi, Principal of Cuong Gian 2 Primary School, said that the school is located far from the residential area, in extremely difficult circumstances, the school's teachers are 3-400 km away from home, and have to stay in boarding school with a lack of hygiene and personal hygiene. The boarding facility has no walls, walls, or degraded doors, children have to use curtains to cover the centralized dining area and desks and chairs to borrow from unused facilities. The gift from Green School helps improve the school's facilities, creating conditions for students to partly meet the requirements of digital transformation in school facilities.
Mr. Ha Quoc Dung, Vice President of Green School, said that Green School was established under a project of the United Nations Environment Organization (UNEP) since 2019 with the goal of disseminating and disseminating knowledge on climate change response, environmental protection, biodiversity loss, and educating citizens globally according to the standards of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UN UNESCO). Green School's mission focuses on the value of sustainable and inclusive development. Green School regularly organizes support activities for ethnic minority students, mountainous areas, coastal areas, remote areas, and areas in difficult circumstances to contribute to encouraging and supporting them both materially and spiritually.