Lo River bank through Tuyen Quang eroded and devastated

Việt Bắc |

Tuyen Quang - Many areas of fertile agricultural land in Cap Tien commune, Son Duong district are eroding every day into the Lo river, leaving farmers helpless.

Ghi nhan cua PV Bao Lao Dong ngay 22.10, tai khu vuc bo bai ven song Lo dai hon 1 km doan qua xa Cap Tien, huyen Son Duong roi vao canh sat lo tan hoang.
According to the reporter's record on October 22, the more than 1 km long Lo River bank area through Cap Tien commune, Son Duong district was in a state of devastating landslides. Photo: Viet Bac.
Nhung dau tich cua sat lo con rat moi, hang nghin m2 dat nong nghiep mau mo cua nguoi dan xa Cap Tien da bi cuon troi song.
The traces of the landslide are still very fresh, thousands of square meters of fertile agricultural land have been swept away by the river. Photo: Viet Bac.
Theo nguoi dan xa Cap Tien, tinh trang sat lo tren doan song nay da dien ra nhieu nam nhung phuc tap hon ke tu khi hoat dong khai thac cat soi duoc trien khai tro lai vao dau nam 2024. Anh: Viet Bac.
According to local people, the erosion on this river section has been going on for a long time but has become more complicated since sand and gravel mining resumed in early 2024. Photo: Viet Bac.
Tren doan song Lo bi sat lo nghiem trong, chi cach bo vai chuc met, 4 con tau hut cai tien dang khai thac cat soi het cong suat. Anh: Viet Bac.
A few dozen meters from the landslide site, four suction ships were exploiting sand and gravel at full capacity, the roar of the machines reverberating throughout the river. Photo: Viet Bac.
Vi tri nay hien do Cong ty TNHH MTV Hai Tien Dat tien hanh cac hoat dong khai thac cat soi. Anh: Viet Bac.
This location is currently being exploited by Hai Tien Dat Company Limited for sand and gravel with an area of ​​over 38 hectares. Photo: Viet Bac.
Sau qua trinh sat lo da hinh thanh mot bo vach cao gan chuc met doc bo song Lo. Anh: Viet Bac.
After the landslide, a nearly ten-meter high cliff was formed along the Lo River bank. Photo: Viet Bac.
Chi L.T.T. (xa Cap Tien) cho biet: “Long song bi hut vo toi va thi dat tren bo sat lo la dung roi, nha toi truoc kia co 5 sao dat bai, gio chi con hon 3 sao” Cac thua dat o day deu da duoc cap giay chung nhan quyen su dung dat, cu the nay vai nam nua chac nong dan chung toi mat het dat“.
Ms. L.T.T. (Cap Tien commune) said: "The riverbed is being sucked indiscriminately, causing the land on the banks to erode. My family used to have 5 sao of alluvial land, now it only has more than 3 sao left. All the plots of land here have been granted land use right certificates, if this continues for a few years, we farmers will probably lose all our land."
Vai tuan qua, anh T.V.H. (xa Cap tien) van cam cui cai tao lai so dat bo bai da bi sat lo ngap nghe bo song Lo. Phan vi tiec, phan vi dien tich dat con lai cua gia dinh qua it oi.
Over the past few weeks, Mr. T.V.H. (Cap Tien commune) has been working hard to restore the eroded land near the Lo river bank, partly because he feels regretful and partly because his family's remaining land area is too small. Photo: Viet Bac.

"With this landslide, the land can flow away at any time, but we're trying to plant some corn, whatever corn we can get, the land is getting less and less every day because of the landslide," Mr. H. worried. Photo: Viet Bac.
Theo nguoi dan dia phuong, nhieu thoi diem cac tau hut danh sat bo de khai thac cat soi khien dat sat tung mang (anh chup thang 7.2024). Nguoi dan cung cap.
According to local people, at many times, the dredgers approached the shore to exploit sand and gravel, causing landslides. A representative of Hai Tien Dat Company Limited said that after storm No. 3, exploitation resumed from October 10. The unit has set up markers and exploited within the prescribed boundaries. (Photo taken in July 2024). Provided by local people.
Trao doi voi PV, ong Nguyen Hoang Giang - Chu tich UBND xa Cap Tien cho biet, vua qua xa da phoi hop voi co quan chuyen mon cua huyen Son Duong kiem tra thuc te khu vuc sat lo va lam viec voi phia Cong ty TNHH MTV Hai Tien Dat. Trong bao cao gui UBND tinh co de xuat tam dung khai thac cat soi doi voi khu vuc sat lo.
Speaking to reporters, Mr. Nguyen Hoang Giang - Chairman of Cap Tien Commune People's Committee said that recently (October 14), the commune coordinated with professional agencies of Son Duong district to inspect the landslide area and work with Hai Tien Dat Company Limited. Currently, a report has been sent to the Provincial People's Committee on the landslide situation, waiting for a solution. Photo: Viet Bac.
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