Close-up of 4 national treasures in Can Tho

Tạ Quang - Yến Phương |

Can Tho - 4 national treasures are Nhon Thanh ceramic vase, Nhon Thanh mold set, Nhon Thanh Buddha statue, Nhon Thanh wooden linga - yoni all belong to Oc Eo Culture.

Hien Bao tang TP Can Tho dang luu giu, bao quan 4 nhom bao vat quoc gia gom: bo khuon duc Nhon Thanh, binh gom Nhon Thanh, tuong Phat Nhon Thanh, linga - yoni go Nhon Thanh deu thuoc Van hoa Oc Eo.
Can Tho City Museum is currently preserving and conserving 4 groups of national treasures including: Nhon Thanh mold set, Nhon Thanh ceramic vase, Nhon Thanh Buddha statue, Nhon Thanh wooden linga - yoni, all belonging to Oc Eo Culture.
Trong do, bo khuon duc Nhon Thanh la bao vat quoc gia dau tien cua TP Can Tho, duoc Thu tuong Chinh phu quyet dinh cong nhan ngay 25.12.2017. Day la mot sang che tieu bieu cua nghe kim hoan - dai dien cho nganh thu cong nghiep ban dia von rat phat trien trong thoi ky van hoa Oc Eo.
In particular, the Nhon Thanh mold set is the first national treasure of Can Tho City, recognized by the Prime Minister on December 25, 2017. This is a typical invention of the goldsmith profession - representing the indigenous handicraft industry that was very developed during the Oc Eo cultural period.
Binh gom Nhon Thanh la hien vat mang gia tri dac biet, co su ket hop tu su giao thoa van hoa, ton giao ngoai nhap (An Do) voi van hoa ban dia cua cu dan Oc Eo vao giua the ky I; dong thoi phan anh duoc net dac trung rieng cua giai doan Van hoa Oc Eo phat trien o the ky V.
Nhon Thanh ceramic vase is an artifact of special value, combining the cultural and religious exchange of foreign (Indian) with the indigenous culture of Oc Eo residents in the middle of the 1st century; at the same time, reflecting the unique characteristics of the Oc Eo Cultural development period in the 5th century.
Tuong Phat Nhon Thanh duoc tac tu mot khoi go mau nau den, trong tu the tribhanga (dung lech hong ve ben phai) tren toa sen hai tang voi tung duong net mem mai, thanh thoat. Day la hien vat doc ban, co gia tri dac biet, dai dien cho nghe thuat tao hinh Phat giao bang go trong van hoa Oc Eo o vung DBSCL noi rieng, Nam bo noi chung.
The Nhon Thanh Buddha statue is carved from a block of dark brown wood, in the tribhanga position (standing with the hips tilted to the right) on a two-tiered lotus platform with soft, graceful lines. This is a unique artifact of special value, representing the art of creating Buddhist sculptures in wood in the Oc Eo culture in the Mekong Delta in particular and the South in general.
Linga - yoni go Nhon Thanh la hien vat dau tien va duy nhat duoc tim thay trong Van hoa Oc Eo o Nam Bo noi rieng, khu vuc Dong Nam A noi chung. Hien vat rat doc dao voi chat lieu bang go cung kieu dang khac biet so voi nguyen mau - mot dai dien cho tinh ngau hung, bien tau,…
The Nhon Thanh wooden linga - yoni is the first and only artifact found in the Oc Eo Culture in the South in particular, and Southeast Asia in general. The artifact is very unique with wooden material and a different design compared to the original - a representative of improvisation, variation,...
Thoi gian gan day, Bao tang TP Can Tho da phoi hop voi mot so truong hoc tren dia ban to chuc chuong trinh “Tiet hoc Su Bao tang” voi chu de “Tim hieu bao vat quoc gia o TP Can Tho”, thu hut dong hoc sinh, giao vien tham gia.
Recently, Can Tho City Museum has coordinated with a number of schools in the area to organize the program "Museum History Lesson" with the theme "Learning about national treasures in Can Tho City", attracting many students and teachers to participate.
Co Nguyen Le Thu Thuan – Hieu truong Truong THCS Tran Hung Dao, quan Ninh Kieu – nhan dinh, dieu hay va dac biet o day la hoc sinh duoc hoc trong khong gian lich su cung voi giao vien nha truong va can bo bao tang la nhung nguoi co kien thuc sau sac ve di san van hoa, dac biet la cac bao vat quoc gia o dia phuong, giup cac em hoc sinh duoc tiep thu kien thuc sau rong hon.
Ms. Nguyen Le Thu Thuan - Principal of Tran Hung Dao Secondary School, Ninh Kieu District - commented that the good and special thing here is that students get to study in a historical space with school teachers and museum staff who have deep knowledge of cultural heritage, especially local national treasures, helping students acquire more in-depth knowledge.
Cac em hoc sinh se la nhung tuyen truyen vien cho gia dinh, ban be ve cac bao vat quoc gia can duoc luu giu, phat huy duoc het gia tri van hoa dung nhu tinh than cua Bo Giao duc va dao tao la tich hop di san van hoa de truyen tai cho cac em hoc sinh ve tinh than yeu nuoc, nang cao gia tri di san van hoa cua dan toc.
Students will be propagandists for their families and friends about national treasures that need to be preserved, promoting their full cultural values ​​in line with the spirit of the Ministry of Education and Training, which is to integrate cultural heritage to convey to students the spirit of patriotism and enhance the value of the nation's cultural heritage.
Em Le Nguyen Nhu - hoc sinh lop 7, Truong THCS Tran Hung Dao, quan Ninh Kieu – chia se, nhung cau chuyen lich su la cau noi giua qua khu va hien tai giup em hieu duoc cuoc song ngay xua va cang them tran quy cuoc song cua the he truoc, tu do co y thuc hon ve viec bao ton nhung hien vat cho the he sau.
Le Nguyen Nhu - a 7th grade student at Tran Hung Dao Secondary School, Ninh Kieu District - shared that historical stories are a bridge between the past and the present, helping him understand life in the past and appreciate the lives of previous generations even more, thereby becoming more aware of preserving artifacts for future generations.
Theo Pho Giam doc So VHTTDL TP Can Tho Truong Cong Quoc Viet, hien nay, Can Tho co 4 bao vat quoc gia; 38 di tich Lich su - Van hoa duoc xep hang; 6 di san van hoa phi vat the duoc Bo VHTTDL dua vao danh muc quoc gia. Thoi gian qua, Bao tang thanh pho da va dang lam tot cong tac quan ly, bao ton va phat huy gia tri di san van hoa.
According to Deputy Director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Can Tho City, Truong Cong Quoc Viet, Can Tho currently has 4 national treasures; 38 ranked historical and cultural relics; 6 intangible cultural heritages included in the national list by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. In recent times, the City Museum has been doing a good job of managing, preserving and promoting the value of cultural heritage.

Tạ Quang - Yến Phương

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