The adorable "Baby Na" couple in Kien Giang attracts people to check-in


Kien Giang – The pair of snake mascots placed in Phu Gia island area (Rach Gia city) are praised by many people as adorable, jokingly called 8-year-old “Baby Na”.

Moi day, cap linh vat ran nam 2025 duoc moi nguoi goi vui la Be Na tai Kien Giang da chinh thuc lo dien o khuon vien cua Khu do thi Phu Cuong.
Recently, the pair of snake-shaped mascots for 2025, jokingly called Baby Na, officially appeared on the campus of Phu Cuong Urban Area (Kien Giang).
Cap Be Na co ve ngoai dang yeu, de thuong, trang tri voi tong mau noi bat nhu do, vang, hong nhung hai hoa, ke ca tre nho cung rat yeu thich. Tren than duoc to ve nhung bong hoa day mau sac tuong trung cho ngay Tet, 2 ma trong co ve phung phinh, tao thien cam voi nguoi xem.
The "Baby Na" couple has a lovely, cute appearance, decorated with prominent colors such as red, yellow, pink but harmonious, even children love it. On the body are painted colorful flowers symbolizing Tet, 2 cheeks look plump, creating sympathy with the viewer.
Du dang trong qua trinh hoan thien them khau trang tri tieu canh xung quanh cung nhu bay tri cac loai hoa phia chan tuong ran nhung nhieu nguoi dan da thich thu tim den check-in som.
Although the surrounding landscape is still being completed and flowers are being decorated, many people are still excited to come and check in early.
Ong Nguyen Tan Luc ngu TP Rach Gia chia se: “Nam nao cung co 1 con linh vat duoc trang tri tai cac diem trung tam de nguoi dan den tham quan, chup anh. 2 con ran o khu vuc dao Phu Gia theo toi rat de thuong, khong chi cac chau be yeu thich ma nguoi lon cung thich thu muon chup anh cung”.
Mr. Nguyen Tan Luc, residing in Rach Gia City, shared: “Every year, mascots are decorated at central locations for people to visit and take pictures. The two snakes in Phu Gia Island are very cute, not only children love them but adults also enjoy taking pictures with them.”
Con chi Nguyen Thao Linh, nguoi dan TP Rach Gia cung cho hay: “Be Na Kien Giang lo dien voi ve dang yeu khong thua kem cac tinh ban, moi nguoi goi vui la be nay moi 8 tuoi thoi. Hom nay du chua den Tet nhung minh cung hao huc dan cac be nha minh den chup anh, check-in va cung muon khoe Be Na Kien Giang voi ban be”.
Ms. Nguyen Thao Linh, a resident of Rach Gia City, also said: "Baby Na Kien Giang appeared with a lovely appearance that is not inferior to other provinces. People jokingly call her only 8 years old. Today, although it is not yet Tet, I am still excited to bring the children to take pictures, check-in and also want to show off "Baby Na" Kien Giang to my friends."
Hien don vi thi cong van dang tiep tuc hoan tat cac cong doan trang tri con lai xung quanh khu vuc 2 Be Na de nguoi dan co the den chiem nguong, chup anh dip Tet.
Units continue to complete the remaining decoration steps around area 2 "Be Na" so that people can come to admire and take photos during Tet.


"Baby Na" in Can Tho sings and plays musical instruments


The snake mascot in Can Tho City has appeared at Luu Huu Phuoc Park and the pedestrian bridge. Notably, the snake mascot has been “transformed” into a singer or “little Na” playing a musical instrument.

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"Baby Na" in Can Tho sings and plays musical instruments

Tạ Quang |

The snake mascot in Can Tho City has appeared at Luu Huu Phuoc Park and the pedestrian bridge. Notably, the snake mascot has been “transformed” into a singer or “little Na” playing a musical instrument.

Kien Giang mobilizes all resources so everyone can have Tet


Kien Giang - In addition to giving gifts, supporting and organizing many programs, there are also spiritual care activities so that everyone can have Tet.

Kien Giang has the highest Tet bonus of 100 million VND


Kien Giang - The province is mobilizing resources to take care of people during Tet, surveying Tet bonuses ranging from 500,000 VND to 100 million VND.