The culvert worth more than 500 billion is ready to be a barrier to prevent salinity


Soc Trang - The operation of Rach mop boat lock contributes to responding to drought and salinity in 2025, ensuring fresh water for production and daily life.

Sau 2 nam thi cong khan truong, cong au thuyen Rach Mop thuoc du an Cong trinh Kiem soat nguon nuoc bo Nam song Hau da chinh thuc du dieu kien ngan man cho mua kho 2025.
After 2 years of urgent construction, the Rach mop boat lock under the Hau River South Bank Water Control Project has officially met the conditions to prevent salinity for the 2025 dry season.
Theo Ban Quan ly Dau tu va Xay dung Thuy loi 10 (Bo Nong nghiep va phat trien nong thon) den nay, cong trinh da dat 92,16% khoi luong va dua vao van hanh tam thoi, du kien hoan thanh toan bo, ban giao dua vao su dung truoc ngay 30.4 toi day.
According to information from the Irrigation Investment and Construction Management Board 10 (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development), the project has completed 92.16% of the volume and is in the testing phase. It is expected that the entire project will be completed and handed over for use before April 30, 1 month ahead of schedule.
Ong Kieu Van Cong - Pho Giam doc Ban Quan ly Dau tu va Xay dung Thuy loi 10 cho biet, chu dau tu va nha thau da no luc trien khai thi cong dong thoi cac hang muc; tang ca de hoan thanh lap dat co khi cua van cong, xi lanh thuy luc, dam bao dieu kien van hanh cong trinh, phuc vu cong tac phong, chong han man, phuc vu san xuat va dan sinh mua kho nam 2024-2025.
Mr. Kieu Van Cong - Deputy Director of the Irrigation Investment and Construction Management Board 10 - said that the main items such as culverts and boat lock gates have been completed, ensuring effective salinity control in the coming time. The construction unit has arranged teams and teams to directly supervise the project, especially focusing on the mechanical construction team of the gate to ensure the highest technical quality.
Doi voi giao thong duong thuy, khi cong duoc van hanh (dong cong), tau thuyen se luu thong qua au thuyen rong 15m. Au thuyen duoc thiet ke bang be tong cot thep, dau au phia dong va phia song moi dau dai 28m, buong au dai 75m, cua van bang thep, dong mo bang xy lanh thuy luc, dam bao an toan va thuan tien cho cac phuong tien qua lai.
For waterway traffic, when the culvert is put into operation (closed), ships will travel through the 15 m wide boat dock. The closed boat dock is made of hydraulic cranes, ensuring safety and convenience for vehicles to pass.
Cong au thuyen Rach Mop co von dau tu hon 500 ti dong. Du an thuy loi nay nam tren song Rach Mop (cach song Hau khoang 500 m) giap ranh xa Nhon My (huyen Ke Sach) va xa Song Phung (huyen Long Phu, tinh Soc Trang).
Rach mop boat lock has an investment capital of more than 500 billion VND. This irrigation project is located on the Rach mop River (about 500 m from the Hau River) bordering Nhon My Commune (Ke Sach District) and Song Phung Commune (Long Phu District, Soc Trang Province).
Cong co chieu rong thong nuoc la 85 m, gom 2 khoang cong, moi khoang rong 35 m, 1 khoang au thuyen rong 15m.
The culvert has a drainage width of 85m. Including 2 sewer compartments, each compartment is 35m wide, 1 boat dock compartment is 15m wide.
 Cua van cong au thuyen Rach Mop bang thep, duoc dong mo bang xy lanh thuy luc, cong co he thong quan trac, giam sat tu dong.
The gate of the Rach mop boat lock valve is made of steel, sealed and opened with a hydraulic silk clutch, the culvert has an automatic monitoring and supervision system.
Khi do man truoc cong >2g/lit, cua van se duoc dong de ngan khong cho man xam nhap sau vao noi dong.
When the salinity in front of the sewers is >2g/liter, the valve gate will be closed to prevent salinity from penetrating deep into the field.
Ong Tran Van Lau - Chu tich UBND tinh Soc Trang (thu 2 tu trai sang) cho biet, tinh hinh xam nhap man mua kho nam 2024-2025 tren dia ban tinh xuat hien tu giua thang 1.2025. Tren tuyen song Hau, ghi nhan ranh man 4g/lit trong cac dot trieu cuong dich chuyen sau vao noi dong tu 35-40km. Do do, viec van hanh cua van cong au thuyen Rach Mop co y nghia rat lon trong viec ung pho xam nhap man, tao dieu kien san xuat, sinh hoat on dinh cho nguoi dan trong vung.
Mr. Tran Van Lau - Chairman of Soc Trang Provincial People's Committee (2nd from left) said that the situation of saline intrusion in the dry season of 2024-2025 in the province has appeared since mid-January 2025. On the Hau River, the salinity level of 4g/liter was recorded during high tides moving deep into the inland area from 35-40km. Therefore, the operation of the Rach mop boat lock valve is of great significance in responding to saline intrusion, creating stable production and living conditions for people in the area.
Cung voi cong au thuyen Rach Mop, du an Cong trinh kiem soat nguon nuoc bo Nam song Hau con co cac cong nho khac (Muong Khai 2, Tra Ech, Cai Trung, Cau Truong, Tra Quyt) dang duoc trien khai, voi tong kinh phi 900 ty dong.  Muc tieu cua du an la kiem soat man, trieu cuong, giu ngot, ung pho voi cac dot xam nhap man, bao ve vung san xuat 19.220ha tren dia ban tinh Soc Trang va giam thieu thiet hai do han man cho hon 36.710ha thuoc bo Nam song Hau cua 2 tinh Soc Trang va Hau Giang.
Along with the Rach mop boat lock, the Southern Hau River Water Control Project also has other small culverts (Muong Khai 2, Tra much, Cai Trung, Cau Truong, Tra Quyt) being implemented, with a total cost of 900 billion VND.
Muc tieu cua du an la kiem soat man, trieu cuong, giu ngot, ung pho voi cac dot xam nhap man, bao ve vung san xuat 19.220 ha tren dia ban tinh Soc Trang va giam thieu thiet hai do han man cho hon 36.710 ha thuoc bo Nam song Hau cua 2 tinh Soc Trang va Hau Giang.
The goal of the project is to control salinity, high tides, keep sweeteners, respond to saline intrusion, protect 19,220 hectares of production areas in Soc Trang province and minimize damage caused by drought and salinity for more than 36,710 hectares on the southern bank of the Hau River of the two provinces of Soc Trang and Hau Giang.


Operation of salinity prevention and storage of fresh water over 500 billion VND in Soc Trang


Soc Trang - The operation of the Rach mop boat lock will prevent salinity and store fresh water for more than 36,700 hectares of agricultural production in the two provinces of Soc Trang and Hau Giang.

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Operation of salinity prevention and storage of fresh water over 500 billion VND in Soc Trang


Soc Trang - The operation of the Rach mop boat lock will prevent salinity and store fresh water for more than 36,700 hectares of agricultural production in the two provinces of Soc Trang and Hau Giang.

6 saline drains in Ben Tre for many years have not been constructed

Thành Nhân |

Ben Tre - Due to the exchange rate difference between the yen and dollars, the JICA -3 project in Ben Tre was worn and slowly implemented.

The second largest saltwater barrier in the West helps farmers feel secure during Tet

Thành Nhân |

Tien Giang - The completed sewer system along Tien River helps prevent salinity, retain fresh water, protect production and daily life, and bring peace of mind to people during Tet.