People say accidents are caused by poor fence project?


HUE - What did the construction unit say about the Pham Van Dong Street expansion project (Hue City) with poor protection, causing many serious accidents?

Tu phan anh cua nguoi dan, PV Bao Lao Dong ghi nhan trong cac ngay 22 - 23.9, vi troi mua nen doc tuyen duong Pham Van Dong dang dang do viec thi cong, nhieu doan cong trinh thieu rao chan, ho ga che day so sai.
From the people's feedback, Lao Dong Newspaper reporters recorded that on September 22-23, due to the rain, construction work along Pham Van Dong Street was still unfinished, many sections of the construction lacked barriers, and manholes were poorly covered.
Theo do, tuyen duong Pham Van Dong thuoc QL49A dai hon 2,6km duoc xem truc giao thong huyet mach phia dong cua TP Hue. Tren tuyen, hang ngay phuong tien xe co, nguoi dan qua lai rat dong, tham chi vao gio cao diem da tro nen qua tai.
Accordingly, Pham Van Dong Street on National Highway 49A, more than 2.6km long, is considered the eastern arterial traffic axis of Hue City. On this route, there are many vehicles and people passing by every day, even during rush hour, it becomes overloaded.
Nham cai thien dien tich tuyen duong, thang 7.2023, du an mo rong, chinh trang via he, he thong cap, thoat nuoc duong Pham Van Dong voi muc dau tu 152 ti dong bang nguon von ODA Nhat Ban duoc khoi cong.
In order to improve the road area, in July 2023, the project to expand and renovate the sidewalks, water supply and drainage system of Pham Van Dong Street with an investment of 152 billion VND from Japanese ODA capital was started.
Du an do Ban Quan ly du an Cai thien moi truong nuoc TP. Hue lam chu dau tu va du kien hoan thanh vao thang 6.2024, do lien danh Cong ty TNHH Xay dung Thanh Phat - Nam A thi cong.
The project is invested by the Hue City Water Environment Improvement Project Management Board and is expected to be completed in June 2024, constructed by the joint venture of Thanh Phat - Nam A Construction Company Limited.
Theo thiet ke, cong trinh nang cap, mo rong duong Pham Van Dong ra 36m (hien trang mat duong va le 24m); trong do mat duong se rong 26m duoc dau tu duong cap cao tham be tong nhua, ranh via bang be tong xi mang, trong tai thiet ke mat dat chuan, phu hop voi 4 lan xe co gioi va 2 lan xe tho so.
According to the design, the project to upgrade and expand Pham Van Dong Street to 36m (current road surface and sidewalk are 24m); of which the road surface will be 26m wide, invested with high-class asphalt concrete pavement, cement concrete curbs, standard designed surface load, suitable for 4 lanes of motor vehicles and 2 lanes of rudimentary vehicles.
 Sau khi du an tam ngung thi cong, de lai cong truong ngon ngang, rao chan so sai, khien viec di lai cua nguoi dan tro nen kho khan.
However, the above route is currently suspended because the project has to adjust its capital structure due to the sharp decline in the JPY exchange rate. After the project was suspended, the construction site was left in disarray, making it difficult for people to travel.
Cu the, nhieu vi tri cua cong trinh khong co rao chan, de lo nhung loi di chua hoan thien, soi da tron truot vo cung nguy hiem. Bang chung la toi ngay 20.9, luc troi mua lon, mot nam thanh nien da gap tai nan tai khu vuc khong co rao chan cua du an.
Specifically, many locations of the project have no fences, exposing unfinished paths and slippery gravel. The evidence is that on the evening of September 20, during heavy rain, a young man had an accident in the residential area where the project's aggregate was being poured.
Theo nguoi nha nan nhan, thoi diem tren, anh N.Q dang di chuyen huong tu phuong Thuan An len trung tam TP Hue, khi di qua doan duong phia truoc cua hang so 79 Pham Van Dong thi bat ngo di chuyen nham vao doan duong chua hoan thien va bi nga, chan thuong nang.
According to the victim's family, at that time, Mr. N.Q was moving from Thuan An ward to Vy Da bridge. When passing the road in front of store number 79 Pham Van Dong, he suddenly moved onto an unfinished road and fell, seriously injured.
“Con trai toi da bi tai nan kha nang o cho nay toi ngay 20.9.2024 luc troi mua to. Tinh trang dang bi dap nao va xuat huyet nao, gay xuong go ma, song mui. Hien dang chua tri tai benh vien Trung uong Hue”, nguoi nha anh Q thong tin. Anh: Nguoi nha nan nhan cung cap.
“My son had a pretty serious accident here on the evening of September 20, 2024, when it was raining heavily. He has a contusion and hemorrhage in the brain, a broken cheekbone and a broken nose. He is currently being treated at Hue Central Hospital,” Mr. Q’s family informed. Photo: Provided by the victim’s family.
Ben canh nhung doan duong chua hoan thien thieu rao chan, hoac rao chan bi xap xe thi tai du an rat nhieu ho ga khong duoc che day, rat nguy hiem khi tuyen duong nay la noi tap trung dong dan cu.
At the project, there are many uncovered manholes, which is very dangerous as this route is densely populated.
Lien quan den van de tren, trao doi voi Lao Dong, dai dien don vi thi cong cho biet, doan xay ra tai nan toi 20.9 la doan duong don vi mo duong dan sinh. “Theo yeu cau cua UBND TP. Hue va chu dau tu, chung toi mo duong dan sinh de nguoi di lai tren duong chung toi dang cap phoi. Vi duong dan sinh nen khong the rao chan. Viec nguoi dan di vao duong bi tai nan la dieu ngoai y muon. Con mot so doan duong day chan bi xap xe xuong duong la vi may hom nay troi mua. Chieu hom nay (23.9), troi tanh, chung toi da cho luc luong giam sat di kiem tra, cang lai nhung doan day tren tuyen de dam bao an toan cho nguoi dan” - dai dien don vi thi cong noi.
Regarding the above issue, speaking with Lao Dong, a representative of the construction unit said that the section where the accident occurred on the evening of September 20 was a section of road that the unit had opened for residents. “At the request of the Hue City People's Committee and the investor, we opened the residential road for people to travel on the road that we were grading. Because it was a residential road, we could not fence it off. The accident that people had on the road was an unexpected event. Some sections of the road with barriers were sagging because it had been raining for several days. This afternoon (September 23), the weather cleared up, we sent supervisors to check and re-stretch the lines on the route to ensure people's safety,” said a representative of the construction unit.
Ong Nguyen Thanh Tuan Anh - Giam doc Ban Quan ly Du an Cai thien moi truong nuoc (chu dau tu du an) cho biet, duong Pham Van Dong la tuyen duong quan trong, luu luong phuong tien lon nen chung toi rat quan tam, lien tuc co van ban doc thuc nha thau dam bao cac bien phap an toan cho nguoi tham gia giao thong. “Sau su co nay, chung toi se tiep tuc co van ban chi dao chan chinh dam bao an toan tren toan tuyen dang thi cong” - ong Tuan Anh noi.
Mr. Nguyen Thanh Tuan Anh - Director of the Water Environment Improvement Project Management Board (project investor) said that Pham Van Dong Street is an important route with a large traffic volume, so we are very concerned and continuously send documents urging the contractor to ensure safety measures for traffic participants. "After this incident, we will continue to send documents directing the correction of safety measures along the entire route under construction" - Mr. Tuan Anh said.


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