One very good thing is that despite the difficult economic situation, many businesses have a heart and responsibility towards their workers. In addition to salaries and Tet bonuses, businesses also coordinate with the Trade Union to take care of workers with valuable gifts. The recipients not only receive gifts, but also the affection of the Trade Union and the Board of Directors, as warm as a big family "gathering" together on Tet holiday.
For example, attending the “Tet Sum Vay” organized by the Hanoi City Labor Federation, Ms. Nguyen Thi Hien received the Special Prize of a Yamaha motorbike worth more than 22 million VND, a valuable gift, but even greater was the joy that the Union organization brought to union members. There were many other gifts, the recipients were happy because they were “lucky”, happy because they received the affection of the union family.
An interesting and practical initiative is the “Union Tet Market”, a program that has received a lot of support from union members and workers. Tet is coming, workers need to buy necessary goods and items for their families, and this year’s “Union Tet Market” in Hanoi with 120 booths of 80 businesses, workers have many choices, businesses both sell goods and support “soft prices”, so it meets shopping needs, prices are suitable for the budget.
Going to the market requires money, in addition to pocket money, union members and workers are also given shopping vouchers, which is also money. The Hanoi City Labor Federation supports more than 5,800 shopping vouchers, worth 500,000 VND/voucher and 5,000 "0 VND" gifts with a total amount of 4.4 billion VND. 500,000 VND is not much, but it contributes to the gift baskets of workers to take care of their families. Poor workers, receiving more care from the Union organization, no matter how little, is very precious and touching.
Not only in Hanoi, the Trade Union organizations of many localities across the country have implemented programs to care for union members and workers during Tet. Like every year, the Trade Union organizes "Tet Sum Vay" for workers who do not return to their hometowns, giving gifts so that everyone who stays to celebrate Tet happily.
Vietnam has a tradition of neighborly love, the Trade Union is also a big family of workers, where there is warmth and affection, and Tet is an occasion to connect and share. When Tet comes, if you cannot gather with your family, there is the big trade union family.