Preschool teachers retiring 5 years early is in line with reality

Lê Thanh Phong |

There are many opinions suggesting that preschool teachers should enter into arduous, toxic, and dangerous professions. At the same time, preschool teachers should be allowed to retire at the age of 55.

In the draft Law on Teachers being drafted by the Ministry of Education and Training, there is a proposal that preschool teachers can retire 5 years earlier than current regulations.

Adding preschool and primary school teachers to the list of hazardous and arduous occupations is a very convincing proposal. Anyone who is a parent knows how hard it is to take care of children, and taking care of a whole preschool class of children eating, cleaning, sleeping, and playing is even harder.

The most stressful thing about taking care of children is ensuring safety, from early morning until late afternoon when parents pick up their children, teachers can feel secure. The pressure lasts for months and years, that is hard work.

Not to mention, there are many hyperactive children, or children with hyperactivity disorder, teachers have to focus on taking care of them. It must be shared that preschool teachers not only take care of children, but also do many professional pedagogical tasks, organize singing and dancing activities, physical games, decorate the classroom, create tools... so that children can be active, have fun and be healthy.

There have been many cases where children in class got scratches and bruises, and parents, not knowing the cause, rushed in to scold and even assault the teacher. How could it not be dangerous?

There are cases of preschool teachers not taking good care of children, but those are just isolated cases. Most teachers love children and are professionally responsible.

To take care of preschool children, it is necessary to ensure good health, sharp eyes, quick hands, especially creativity in professional activities, therefore, teachers are required to be young, healthy, and able to withstand pressure.

Observing from reality, can a woman at the age of 60 take good care of a class of many preschool children? The answer is very clear. A preschool teacher confided to Lao Dong reporter: "After nearly 30 years in the profession, at this age, I am really not agile enough to take care of the children like when I was younger."

Experts and workers in this profession have proposed that the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs add this to the list of arduous, toxic and dangerous jobs for preschool teachers. This is the basis for proposing to reduce the retirement age for preschool teachers by 5 years compared to the regulations.

For teachers who have reached the age of 55, they need to retire, because after that age it is difficult to do a good job of taking care of children.

Lê Thanh Phong

2 giai đoạn của lộ trình nâng trình độ giáo viên mầm non

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Preschool teachers, if they are old, will no longer have creativity

Phương Linh |

This is the sharing of preschool teacher Bui Thi Bich Thuy, at the meeting with National Assembly delegates of Phu Yen province before the 8th Session, 15th National Assembly.

Ensuring a living for preschool teachers to stick with their profession


Hau Giang - Voters recommend that the National Assembly Delegation of Hau Giang province pay attention to and ensure the lives of preschool teachers so they can stick with their profession.