Weight bearing walking
Walking with a weighted backpack can turn walking into a weight loss aid.
This extremely simple method helps you burn more calories without having to do other movements.
Weight-bearing walking can improve muscular endurance, cardiovascular conditioning, and overall fitness, and can burn 30-45% more calories than regular walking.
Get enough sleep
Proper rest is important for burning calories, regulating hunger hormones, promoting recovery after exercise, and improving metabolism.
Most people burn 30-40 calories per hour while sleeping. Lack of sleep can lead to overeating and reduce the energy needed to exercise.
Prioritize protein supplementation
Protein is key to any weight loss plan. Not only does it help with exercise and muscle recovery, it also has a higher thermogenic effect during food digestion, with more calories digested than carbohydrates and fats.
People interested in losing weight should include protein in three meals a day and eat plenty of high-quality lean protein foods like chicken, fish, eggs, tofu, and Greek yogurt.
Protein promotes feelings of fullness because it takes the body longer to digest protein than other nutrients.