3 food combinations at breakfast help reduce visceral fat

HẠ MÂY (Theo healthshots) |

Some food combinations in breakfast are not only delicious but also full of nutrition and help reduce visceral fat .

Apples and peanut butter

If you have a high metabolic rate, visceral fat loss will happen much faster. Therefore, you should supplement foods that help increase metabolism.

Apples are one of the richest sources of fiber and antioxidants, helping the body stay hydrated because they are 86% water.

Peanut butter contains monounsaturated fats that help you stay slim and eat well, and polyunsaturated fats that help improve insulin metabolism.

Eggs and grapefruit

Eggs are a great source of protein with few calories to help keep you full for a long time.

Grapefruit is a citrus fruit so it helps the body stay hydrated and is a perfect breakfast to help burn fat. In addition, grapefruit also contains substances that help strengthen the function of the immune system and help the body fight harmful agents.

Apple, spinach and ginger

Apples are high in antioxidants and fiber and can be eaten with low-calorie spinach. Apples contain a lot of fiber, which is effective in reducing visceral fat.

Adding a small piece of ginger will add flavor and many other beneficial properties. Ginger contains phytonutrients that help you burn fat.

HẠ MÂY (Theo healthshots)

Cách chống đẩy với tường giúp đốt mỡ nội tạng hiệu quả

HẠ MÂY (Theo healthshots) |

Chống đẩy với tường là một trong những biến thể của bài tập chống đẩy có tác dụng đến việc đốt mỡ nội tạng hiệu quả.

Thức uống giúp giảm lipid máu, mỡ nội tạng


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3 sai lầm khiến mỡ nội tạng tăng không kiểm soát


Dưới đây là 3 sai lầm trong quá trình ăn uống, sinh hoạt của chúng ta khiến mỡ nội tạng dễ tích tụ, tăng cân không kiểm soát.

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Bảo Nguyên |

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Thanh Hà |

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"Phông bạt" trên Facebook là căn bệnh và cần thuốc chữa


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How to do push-ups against the wall to effectively burn visceral fat

HẠ MÂY (Theo healthshots) |

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