4 exercises to avoid when having high blood pressure


Exercise is key to good health. However, there are some exercises that can cause a sudden increase in blood pressure that people with high blood pressure should avoid.

Nhung bai tap ma nguoi bi huyet ap cao nen tranh. Anh: Theo Healthshots
Exercises that people with high blood pressure should avoid. Photo: According to Healthshots

Here are some exercises people with high blood pressure should avoid.

1. Lift heavy weights

According to a study published in the Journal of Development and Cardiovascular Disease, lifting heavy weights can cause a rapid increase in blood pressure. When lifting something too heavy, the body naturally holds its breath, temporarily restricting blood flow, leading to increased pressure on the heart and dangerous for people with high blood pressure.

2. Isotonic exercises

Isotonic exercises are exercises that involve holding one position for a long period of time. This exercise causes continuous tension in the muscles and increases blood pressure during the exercise.

According to a study published in the Journal of Development and Cardiovascular Disease, constant muscle contractions force the heart to work harder, leading to high blood pressure.

3. High-intensity interval training

High-intensity interval training has many cardiovascular benefits, but extremely high intensity can cause blood pressure to spike during exercise, according to a study published in Sports Health.

4. Sprint hard

Sprinting causes your heart rate to spike, forcing your heart to pump blood faster, increasing the pressure in your arteries. For people with high blood pressure, this can increase the risk of heart complications, says fitness expert Mukul Nagpaul.


Huyết áp cao tăng nguy cơ đột quỵ

Thanh Thanh |

Theo bác sĩ Trần Lê Thanh Tâm - Bệnh viện Đa khoa Tâm Anh TPHCM, huyết áp từ 140/90 trở lên có thể làm hỏng các mạch máu não, dẫn đến đột quỵ.

Những dấu hiệu cảnh báo của bệnh huyết áp cao vào buổi sáng


Chỉ số huyết áp cao liên tục mỗi khi thức dậy được xem là một tình trạng tăng huyết áp vào buổi sáng, có thể là nguyên nhân gây lo ngại cho sức khỏe của bạn.

Tránh tuyệt đối những thực phẩm này nếu bị huyết áp cao

Hồng Diệp (Theo Love My Family) |

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Hàng trăm học sinh bật khóc khi thầy giáo chuyển trường


Hàng trăm học sinh ở Trường Phổ thông dân tộc bán trú TH&THCS Sơn Liên, huyện Sơn Tây, Quảng Ngãi - bật khóc khi thầy Nguyễn Ngọc Duy (38 tuổi) chuyển trường.

High blood pressure increases the risk of stroke

Thanh Thanh |

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Warning signs of high blood pressure in the morning


Consistently high blood pressure readings upon waking is considered morning hypertension , which can be a cause for concern for your health.

Absolutely avoid these foods if you have high blood pressure

Hồng Diệp (Theo Love My Family) |

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