Benefits of yoga for children
Yoga is a practice method that brings many health and mental benefits. According to Harvard Health Publishing, practicing yoga is very beneficial for children, this exercise method helps children improve their physical and mental health, improve their ability to concentrate. According to research published in Frontiers in Psychiatry, regular yoga practice helps children reduce stress and increase confidence.
Some yoga exercises to help children improve their ability to concentrate
Sukhasana pose:
To do this exercise, instruct your child to cross their legs, sit on the floor, keep the spine straight, relax their shoulders and breathe normally.
Place your hands on your knees with your palms facing down.
Close your eyes and focus on your breathing.
Open your eyes slowly, extend your legs forward and relax.
Mountain pose:
To do the Tadasana, instruct your child to stand up straight with their feet together and their arms relaxed at both sides.
Inhale slowly, raising both arms up overhead, palms facing each other.
Stretch your legs up while keeping them on the ground.
Hold your breath and hold this position, looking forward.
Exhale slowly and lower your arms.
Plant pose:
Stand neutral and put your weight on your left leg.
Raise your right leg and place it on your inner left thigh and keep it balanced.
Focus on your breathing, continue inhaling and exhaling.
Supports your palms in front of your chest or extends your arms over your head.
Lower your right leg and return to a neutral position.
Thunder pose:
Sit in Sukhasana position then bring your legs back and sit on your heels, putting pressure on your calf muscles.
Place your hands on your thighs.
Keep your back straight and focus on each breath.
Raise your hips and return to Sukhasana.
The tiger snake pose:
To do the Bhujangasana pose, instruct your child to lie on your stomach with your palms under your shoulders.
Inhale gently and lift your chest while keeping your elbows bent.
Look upward and hold the pose.
Exhale, lower your chest to the floor.