Dr Yatin Sagvekar, a neurologist at Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital, Navi Mumbai, India, said that cortisol, also known as the stress hormone, is closely linked to sleep quality, as it plays an important role in regulating the body's circadian rhythm and sleep-wake cycles.
Cortisol, secreted by the adrenal glands, directly affects how the body transitions from wakefulness to rest.
Dr. Yatin Sagvekar outlines ways to help maintain cortisol balance for good sleep:
Stress Management
Meditation and mindfulness: Meditation helps reduce stress, calms the mind, and helps reduce cortisol. Take a few minutes each day to practice meditation or focus on your breathing.
Exercise: Regular physical activity helps the body release endorphins (happy hormones), reduce cortisol levels and improve sleep quality.
Relax with yoga or breathing exercises: Relaxation exercises like yoga or deep breathing techniques help the body relax and effectively reduce stress.
Maintain a reasonable sleep schedule
Go to bed and wake up at a fixed time: Maintaining a regular bedtime and wake up time every day helps the body regulate its biological rhythm.
Create a comfortable sleeping environment: The bedroom should be quiet, dark and cool to facilitate deep sleep.
Avoid bright lights in the evening: Blue light from phone, computer, or TV screens can disrupt the production of melatonin (a sleep-inducing hormone). Turn off electronic devices at least 30 minutes before bedtime.
Eat well
Avoid caffeine and alcohol in the evening: Caffeine and alcohol can increase cortisol levels, reducing sleep quality. Limit your intake at least 4–6 hours before bedtime.
Evening snack: A light, easy-to-digest snack before bed, such as a handful of almonds, a banana or warm milk, can help your body relax and make it easier to fall asleep.
Practice relaxation techniques before bed
Warm bath: A warm bath helps the body relax, reduce stress and prepare better for sleep.
Listen to soothing music: Listening to relaxing music or natural sounds like rain or waves can help calm the mind and reduce stress.
Read or relax: Instead of working or using your phone, read a light book to relax before bed.
Improve living habits
Limit staying up late: Staying up late disrupts circadian rhythms and causes cortisol levels to rise in the evening, affecting sleep.
Avoid bad habits: Practice healthy lifestyle habits, such as not smoking and minimizing sugary beverage consumption, to reduce negative impacts on overall health and sleep in particular.
Mental health care
Focus on positive thinking: Trying to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude can help reduce stress and keep cortisol levels stable.
Share your feelings: Talking to a loved one or friend about worries or stresses in your life can help reduce cortisol levels.