Should I drink a shake for breakfast?

THUỲ DƯƠNG (THEO healthshots) |

Shake (protein smoothie) is a nutritional supplement drink used by many people who are losing weight. So should you use this drink for breakfast ?

What is Shake?

A shake or protein shake is a drink made by mixing protein powder with a liquid, usually water, milk or a milk alternative. The main use of protein shakes is to provide a convenient and concentrated source of protein for the body during the recovery and muscle development process after exercise.

Protein shakes are mainly used by athletes, bodybuilders, and weight loss people who want to increase their protein intake.

Should I drink a shake for breakfast?

If you are in an exercise regimen to gain muscle and lose fat, drinking a shake at breakfast is a perfect choice.

Shakes are a quick, convenient meal that can help keep you full longer, curbing mid-morning cravings. When using this convenient meal, you need to pay attention to adding fiber to have a balanced diet. Here are some benefits of eating a shake for breakfast.

Easy to do and convenient

If you need a nutritious breakfast that is simple to prepare and requires little cooking, shake is an option not to be missed. In just a few minutes you can make yourself a nutritious breakfast.

Helps you stay full for a long time

If you are someone who is trying to control your weight by cutting down on excess food, drinking a shake in the morning is an extremely suitable choice.

A 2024 study published in the BMC Nutrition Journal tested 44 people and showed that following a calorie-reduced diet and supplementing with 30 grams of protein concentrate from shakes for eight weeks may help :

- Reduced body mass index

- Reduce waist circumference

- Reduce fat mass

- Reduce appetite

- Reduce insulin levels

- Reduce bad cholesterol, increase good cholesterol

- Reduce blood sugar levels when hungry

Losing weight

Shakes may help with weight control by promoting feelings of fullness, reducing overall calorie intake, and maintaining muscle mass on a calorie-restricted diet.

Thanks to being rich in protein, using a shake as a breakfast can boost metabolism, increase the number of calories burned during the day, and support weight control. According to the Journal of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome, consuming protein shakes can boost metabolism, increasing the number of calories your body burns during the day.

Support physical training

Drinking a shake in the morning is great for exercise and weight loss. According to Nutrients Journal, drinking shakes adds a large amount of protein to the body, helping to build muscle. Not only at breakfast, drinking a shake after exercise can help replenish energy reserves and restore muscle tissue faster.

THUỲ DƯƠNG (THEO healthshots)

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Thanh Thanh (Theo Food.NDTV) |

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