Identify foods with high risk of causing cancer and obesity

BÍCH NGỌC (theo aboluowang) |

Fried, grilled, sugary foods... can cause heart disease, obesity, and cancer.

1. Fried food

Fried dough sticks, donuts, french fries, hamburgers, etc. are rich in starch, when fried at high temperatures, they will create acrylamide which can cause cancer.

Anh: ST
Fried foods contain calories that can cause obesity. Photo: ST

In addition, fried foods contain extremely high calories and fat, long-term consumption can easily lead to obesity, diabetes, high blood fat, coronary heart disease and other diseases.

2. Grilled meat

Kebabs, beef skewers, chicken wings,... when grilled directly at high temperatures, the fat from the food decomposes and combines with the protein in the meat to create a carcinogen called benzopyrene.

3. Pickles

Foods such as pickles, spicy cabbage, pickled beans, spicy radishes, etc. are pickled with a large amount of salt, causing the sodium content to exceed the standard, putting pressure on the kidneys, increasing the risk of high blood pressure and a higher rate of inflammation and ulcers of the digestive tract.

Anh: Pham My
Eating a lot of pickled foods can increase the risk of high blood pressure. Photo: Pham My

4. Processed meat

Dried meat, pork floss, sausages, bacon, canned meat, ham, etc. contain a certain amount of nitrite. Eating a large amount can lead to fluctuations in blood pressure and damage to kidney function.

5. Carbonated drinks

Carbonated drinks containing a lot of sugar will cause obesity, affect the bone deposition process, thereby causing adverse effects on bone development.

BÍCH NGỌC (theo aboluowang)

Thời điểm tốt nhất để uống thực phẩm bổ sung kẽm


Kẽm giúp tăng cường khả năng miễn dịch và thúc đẩy sức khỏe tim mạch. Vậy nên uống thực phẩm bổ sung kẽm vào thời điểm nào là tốt nhất?

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5 loại thực phẩm giúp kiểm soát huyết áp

BÍCH NGỌC (theo the health site) |

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BÍCH NGỌC (theo the health site) |

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