Timely rescue of patients with rare complications of necrotizing pancreatitis


HUE - Doctors in Hue used continuous blood filtration to save the life of a patient with a rare, severe complication of necrotizing pancreatitis.

On the morning of September 28, the leaders of Hue Central Hospital said that doctors had just treated and saved the life of a patient with necrotizing pancreatitis and severe abdominal bleeding. This is a rare disease and the risk of death is very high if not treated promptly.

The patient who was saved was Le Huynh Kim C (15 years old, from Thua Thien Hue). One day before being admitted to the hospital, the patient had symptoms of sudden abdominal pain, vomiting, then quickly fell into a coma and had convulsions.

Through initial examination, doctors from the Department of Intensive Care - Pediatric Emergency, Center for Pediatrics (Hue Central Hospital) determined that this was a case of septic shock possibly due to necrotizing pancreatitis.

Despite being treated aggressively from the beginning with fluid resuscitation and broad-spectrum antibiotics, the patient's condition rapidly worsened, with signs of severe abdominal bleeding. Tests showed severe anemia and multiple organ failure. This is a serious, very complicated, rare case in children, threatening the child's life.

The patient was then resuscitated with a ventilator and a large emergency blood transfusion. Doctors performed emergency surgery to stop the bleeding, remove the entire severely necrotic pancreas, and suture the perforated splenic vein that caused massive abdominal bleeding due to complications of necrotizing pancreatitis.

After surgery, he continued to be treated at the Department of Intensive Care - Pediatric Emergency, mechanical ventilation, continuous blood filtration to support damaged organs, and high-dose vasopressors were used. The treatment process encountered many difficulties due to persistent septic shock, kidney damage, electrolyte disturbances, severe liver damage, severe blood clotting dysfunction, and progressive lung damage, requiring mechanical ventilation and continuous blood filtration for a long time.

After 7 days of intensive treatment, the patient's fever began to subside, the infection and lung and liver damage gradually improved, and the urine gradually faded and returned to normal. After that, the patient's test results for infection and organ function gradually improved.

Up to now, after more than a month of intensive treatment, the patient has been discharged from the hospital.


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