Benefits of Side Plank Exercise for Health


By impacting the oblique muscles and promoting the alignment of the spine, the exercise side plank brings numerous benefits to your body.

Improve Core Strength

Side plank exercises target deeper core muscles, including the transverse abdominis and muscles around the spine. This targeted impact helps improve core stability and enhances overall functional strength.

Improve Posture

Maintaining proper posture is crucial to preventing back pain and reducing the risk of injury. Side plank exercises require you to stabilize your body in a straight line, from head to heels, promoting spinal alignment. As you strengthen the muscles supporting the spine, you will find it easier to maintain proper posture during exercise and throughout your daily activities.

Enhance Balance

Regular practice of side plank exercises can help improve balance, which is essential for athletic performance and injury prevention. As you become more proficient in side plank exercises, you will notice better control and stability in other exercises.

Reduce Lower Back Pain Risk

By strengthening core muscles, including the obliques, side plank exercises can help reduce and prevent lower back pain.


Side plank positions can be adjusted to suit different fitness levels and goals. Whether you are new to exercise or an experienced practitioner, incorporating side planks into your routine can provide significant benefits for core strength and overall fitness.


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Thanh Thanh |

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Thanh Thanh |

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