According to Ms. Phan Thi Hai - Deputy Director in charge of the Tobacco Harm Prevention Fund, continuing to perfect the regulations of Circular No. 25/2018 on minimizing the image of actors using tobacco in stage and film works is extremely important and necessary.
"Currently, actors and singers use smoking as a way to express their character or mood during performances, which greatly affects the behavior and lifestyle of young people. In addition, tobacco companies can use celebrities, stage productions, movies, and music videos to promote smoking behavior," said a representative of the Tobacco Harm Prevention Fund.
Experience from some countries such as China and India shows that strict management of images of tobacco use and tobacco-related paraphernalia such as ashtrays, billboards, labels, and colors related to different cigarette brands is very necessary and effective in preventing an increase in smoking rates among young people.
For example, India has issued regulations that films and television content broadcast in India that depict tobacco must have a reasonable justification for the use of tobacco imagery; the content must include a warning message about the harmful effects of tobacco on health, displayed for at least 30 seconds at the beginning and middle of the program. In addition, audio and visual disclaimers must be provided with a minimum duration of 20 seconds.
In Vietnam, many experts agree on the need to limit the image of actors using tobacco in theatrical and cinema works. Some opinions recommend expanding the scope of the Circular to all forms, on all platforms (stage, big screen, television and internet platforms), domestically produced and imported films, adding more specific information for each field of cinema, stage and the subjects of application of the Circular.
To limit images of actors using tobacco in films and photos, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism has just issued Circular 14/2024 regulating the restriction of the use of images of actors using tobacco in cinematographic and theatrical works.
The scope of application of the Circular includes all organizations and individuals involved in performing arts activities, film production, film distribution, film dissemination and film classification. This includes actors participating in cinematographic works and performing arts.
The Law on Advertising prohibits advertising tobacco products in any form, and the Law on Commerce prohibits promotion or use of tobacco for promotion in any form.
This Circular replaces Circular No. 25 dated August 30, 2018, effective from January 25, 2025.