Incorporating certain raw foods into your daily diet can help you lose weight faster because it helps your body feel satisfied and is nourished by low-calorie, low-fat foods.
However, following this diet requires a lot of will. You need to eat 5 servings of raw fruits and vegetables per day. To provide the body with the necessary amount of protein and help the waist become slim, you need to combine them with other foods.

Broccoli and kale soup
When cooked, these two vegetables will lose enzymes that can reduce the risk of cancer and help improve digestion.
To enjoy broccoli and kale with full nutrition, you just need to cut it into very small pieces and mix it with bean sprouts or other low-calorie foods.
Red bell
This nonfat food can help speed up your metabolism. When eaten raw, red bell peppers will fight constipation, providing more vitamins and antioxidants.
A simple way to enjoy bell peppers without losing nutrients is to add them to your salad.
Onions help enhance the flavor of dishes, but if cooked, this food can lose up to 60% of the healthy minerals and antioxidants inside.
In contrast, eating raw onions can help speed up metabolism and provide glucoquinine a substance that helps lower blood sugar levels.
Green Apple
Instead of making jam or natural juice, eating green apples with the skin in the morning helps the body burn more fat and have a slimmer belly.
Although it adds flavor to the dish, if cooked, the allicin content in garlic - an ingredient that helps detoxify the body will be lost. Instead of cooking, try starting your morning with a glass of water and a cup of raw garlic cloves to get more health benefits and your weight loss efforts.