4cm long leech found in patient's nose


Quang Binh - A leech about 4cm long was just removed from a female patient's nose by doctors at Bac Quang Binh General Hospital.

On October 4, Bac Quang Binh General Hospital said that it had just removed a foreign object, a leech about 4cm long, from a patient's nose.

Previously, on October 3, female patient N.T.S (born in 1977, residing in Quang Hop commune, Quang Trach district, Quang Binh province) came to the clinic with symptoms of headache and nosebleed for many days.

After examination, the doctor discovered that the patient had a living foreign object inside the right nostril.

The doctor used endoscopy to remove the foreign object, and determined it was a leech about 4cm long. According to the patient, he had drunk some spring water while in the forest. After returning home, the above symptoms appeared.

Dr. Tran Huu Quan - Interdisciplinary Department, Bac Quang Binh General Hospital - said that leeches are living creatures with very strong suction cups, often clinging to animals to suck blood and causing prolonged bleeding. They often crawl into natural cavities such as the ears, nose, and throat to parasitize.

Doctor Quan recommends that people should pay attention to measures to avoid leeches when going into the forest. When suspecting that a leech (or leech) has entered the respiratory tract, common symptoms include a feeling of discomfort in the nostrils, runny nose, stuffy nose, and nosebleeds. You should go to a medical facility for early examination to detect and remove it promptly.


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