Cải cách hành chính

To attract FDI, technology needs capital and human resources

Lê Thanh Phong |

Foreign investors target Vietnam because they research and analyze many profitable opportunities. Vietnam has made many efforts to reform administration, build a favorable and stable investment environment along with many policies to support enterprises to produce and operate effectively.

Binh Dinh rectifies the issue of leaders absent from meetings without permission

Hoài Phương |

According to the Chairman of Binh Dinh province , there is still a situation of not strictly implementing the working regime of the Steering Committee for Administrative Reform, Digital Transformation and Project 06 provinces.

“Unscheduled Thursday”: Another good model that needs to be replicated

Tường Minh |

“Unscheduled Thursday” in Phu Lam ward (Ha Dong, Hanoi) is a good administrative reform model that needs to be replicated in many localities.

Create a mechanism to encourage and protect cadres and civil servants who dare to think and dare to do.

Minh Hạnh |

Hanoi will have a mechanism to encourage and protect officials who dare to think and act, and implement a mechanism for increased income to ensure the lives of officials and civil servants.

Administrative Reform Focused on Citizen Satisfaction


Đắk Lắk - The People's Committee of Buôn Ma Thuột City has been and is currently focusing on administrative reform in order to achieve satisfaction of businesses and citizens.

The City of Đà Nẵng unlocks land resources, attracts investment

Mai Hương |

TP Đà Nẵng has implemented numerous solutions to unlock the potential of land. This is one of the specific actions to implement the theme of 2024 of the city.

Quang Nam will overcome barriers to attract high-caliber projects

Hoàng Bin |

"Despite many barriers, Quang Nam is determined to create a good investment environment, attracting high-caliber businesses and projects" - according to the Chairman of Quang Nam Provincial People's Committee .

There are administrative procedures that are not carried out at the one-stop shop


The field of administrative reform is currently receiving many recommendations from localities across the country, including administrative procedures not being implemented at the one-stop shop .

Measuring effectiveness with a work diary is a good way to do it

Hoàng Văn Minh |

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh praised Hau Giang province for requiring officials to write work diaries to measure effectiveness.

Hau Giang requires staff to write work diaries to measure effectiveness


In Hau Giang, there are quite a few officials who do not list the full working hours of 8 hours/day, 40 hours/week.

Strive to complete the arrangement of administrative units in September


The Prime Minister requested to focus on implementing the arrangement of district and commune-level administrative units for the period 2023-2025, striving to basically complete it in September 2024.

Job positions and salary policies have clearly changed


According to the report, the completion of regulations on job positions and reform of salary policies have seen clear changes and achieved positive results.

Nghệ An cải cách hành chính có chuyển biến nhưng chưa đáp ứng yêu cầu


Nghệ An - UBND tỉnh nhận định, trong 6 tháng đầu năm, bên cạnh những mặt tích cực vẫn còn những tồn tại, hạn chế, trong đó cải cách hành chính có chuyển biến nhưng chưa đáp ứng yêu cầu.

Hà Nội: Có văn bản mất tới 884 ngày để trả lời


Theo đại biểu, sau khi Hà Nội thay thế chuyển đổi 6 đồng chí chủ tịch huyện, các huyện này đang có nhiều tiến triển, đặc biệt trong việc giải quyết các thủ tục hành chính.

Hà Nội ban hành 8 nội dung chấm điểm cải cách hành chính

Minh Hạnh |

Hà Nội - Ủy ban Nhân dân (UBND) TP Hà Nội vừa ban hành khung chỉ số cải cách hành chính đối với các xã, phường, các phòng tương đương với 8 nội dung cụ thể, lấy sự hài lòng của người dân và doanh nghiệp làm thước đo.