Dự án nhà ở xã hội

Workers hope to soon access capital support policies to buy social housing

Mỹ Ly |

“If we can buy a social housing unit in Can Tho, my family can stabilize our lives and work with peace of mind. Because if we return to our hometown, in addition to not having land, it will also take us a while to find a job with a stable income like the current one,” said Ms. Lan Tien, a worker at Tra Noc Industrial Park (Can Tho City).

Binh Duong is implementing a social housing project of nearly 1,900 apartments.


Binh Duong - A social housing project with 1,867 apartments in Thuan Giao ward, Thuan An city has broken ground and is being implemented.

Housing prices continue to rise, workers thirst for social housing


House and land prices in Can Tho City are constantly being pushed up, causing many difficulties and financial pressure for buyers.

Ministry of Construction gives reasons for slow disbursement of 120,000 billion VND package


The Ministry of Construction said that the disbursement of the 120,000 billion VND credit package is still slow due to high interest rates and few participating banks.

Hai Phong to complete 15,000 social housing units by 2025


Implementing the Prime Minister's direction as well as understanding the need to buy social housing (NƠXH) of workers, Hai Phong City has deployed the construction of many NƠXH projects lasting until 2030.

Inspecting the implementation of social housing projects


Responding to voters, the Government Inspectorate said it will inspect the implementation of social housing projects in commercial housing projects.

High prices and complicated procedures make it difficult for workers to access social housing

Phương Anh |

During the period 2021 - 2030, the Government aims to complete 1 million social housing units for low-income people and industrial park workers. The implementation of the above project has been and is being participated in by ministries, branches and localities. However, many solutions are still needed to accomplish goals and serve the right audience.

Delay in building social housing and worker housing in Vinh Phuc

An Nhiên |

According to a survey by the Labor Confederation of Vinh Phuc province, more than 40,000 workers in industrial parks need to buy social housing . Meanwhile, many housing projects for workers are "immobilized", in some places they have started construction but are left with overgrown grass.

Dĩ An will have nearly 3,000 social housing units priced at 700 million dong


In Dĩ An, province of Bình Dương, 1 enterprise is preparing to invest in a social housing project (NOXH) with a scale of nearly 3,000 units at a price of 700 million VND/unit.

Supply is meager, social housing cannot meet demand


Local feedback to the National Assembly's supervision delegations shows that the supply of social housing is very limited and cannot meet the needs of workers.

Binh Duong adjusted 17,380m2 of land to build social housing


Binh Duong province allows changing the land use purpose of nearly 142,000 square meters in Thuan An city, including nearly 17,380 square meters to build social security housing.

Shorten the investment process for social housing projects


Representatives of departments, branches and businesses suggested that it is necessary to shorten investment processes and procedures to speed up social housing projects and reduce difficulties for businesses.

Inadequacies with regulations reserving 20% ​​of land fund for social housing


The draft Decree on the development and management of social housing (social housing) is assessed by some experts as having some inappropriate regulations regarding the content of the 20% land fund for social housing.

Hà Nam chấp thuận chủ trương đầu tư 6 dự án về nhà ở xã hội


Ngày 3.7, Sở Xây dựng tỉnh Hà Nam vừa công bố thông tin về nhà ở và thị trường bất động sản quý II năm 2024 trên địa bàn tỉnh Hà Nam, trong đó cho biết địa phương này đã chấp thuận chủ trương đầu tư 6 dự án về nhà ở xã hội.