Quảng Bình

Meaning of the "innovative start-up" competition in Quang Binh


On the afternoon of August 22, the People's Committee of Quang Binh province held a closing ceremony and award ceremony of the third "Innovative Start-up " Contest in Quang Binh province in 2024.

The North-South Expressway project through Quang Binh still has land problems


Site clearance work for the North-South Expressway Construction Project in the East, section passing through Quang Binh province , still has more than 500m left.

Vietnam tourism needs more Son Doong on the world screen

Hoàng Văn Minh |

Son Doong's appearance in the BBC's famous documentary series Planet Earth III has brought the image of this magnificent cave to millions of audiences globally. With two prestigious Emmy nominations, the episode "Extremes" demonstrated the special appeal of Son Doong - the world's largest cave system, with wild, magical natural scenes that are rare anywhere else. available in the world.

From movies about Son Doong to promoting Vietnamese tourism through cinema


The BBC documentary series Planet Earth III has just received 5 nominations for the 2024 Emmy Award - an award considered the Oscar of the television industry. Of these, 2 nominations belong to episode 6 "Extremes" - the episode that records the story and beautiful images of Son Doong cave . This once again shows the potential to promote the image of the country and people of Vietnam to the world through cinema.

Emotions on the 500kV circuit 3 line construction site


Workers and laborers on the construction site of the 500kV 3- circuit line through Ha Tinh and Quang Binh are happily preparing for completion day.

Director Anh compared Son Doong as "the most extraordinary place I've ever been to."


The BBC (UK) documentary contains an introduction to Son Doong Cave that was praised by the international press.

Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor encouraged workers to construct the 500kV circuit 3 line in Quang Binh


Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Nguyen Dinh Khang and the delegation directly visited and encouraged workers at the 500kV Quang Trach transformer station ( Quang Binh ).

Strongly handle individuals and organizations who are subjective in preventing and fighting swine fever


Quang Binh province said it will strictly handle organizations and individuals who are still subjective and do not comply with animal disease prevention and control measures according to regulations. On August 20, the Department of Livestock and Veterinary Medicine of Quang Binh province said that since the beginning of the year, a number of African swine fever outbreaks have been recorded in the area.

More than 5 billion VND came to union members in Dong Hoi City


From the beginning of the year until now, Communist unions in Dong Hoi City ( Quang Binh ) have organized visiting activities and given gifts to union members and workers with an amount of over 5 billion VND.

Opening photo exhibition about General Vo Nguyen Giap


Quang Binh has just opened a photo exhibition with the theme " General Vo Nguyen Giap 's impression on Dien Bien Phu".

Checking the water pump well, a man died


Quang Binh - During the process of checking the water pumping well, Mr. P unfortunately died . Currently, the authorities are investigating the cause of the incident.

The majestic image of Son Doong cave in the British film was nominated for an Emmy


The documentary episode of BBC (UK) with an introduction to Son Doong Cave received 2 nominations at the prestigious Emmy Awards.

Quang Binh Confederation of Labor received the Government Emulation Flag


Quang Binh Confederation of Labor held a ceremony to receive the Government Emulation Flag and praise the excellent Grassroots Trade Union President.

The Nhat Le 3 bridge project encountered difficulties because of the site


Quang Binh province is facing difficulties in project component 2 - Nhat Le 3 bridge and roads at both ends of the bridge during site clearance.