Tinh giản biên chế

Streamlining the payroll of 82,295 civil servants and public employees


According to Deputy Minister of Home Affairs Truong Hai Long, from 2016 to 2023, 82,295 people were reduced in staff.

Ministry of Home Affairs talks about streamlining the staff of commune cadres who have suffered from stroke


If the staff is subject to staff reduction , the Ministry of Home Affairs shall request competent authorities to consider and implement this policy according to regulations.

More than 73,000 people retired before age


As of December 31, 2023, 89,576 people have been streamlined according to regulations, of which 73,245 people retired before age.

Identifying job positions and bottlenecks in salary reform


In the plan, agencies, administrative organizations and public service units need to complete the construction and approval of job positions and streamline staffing. However, many industries are still facing challenges and confusion.

Voters proposed additional staffing in the education and health sectors


Voters in Kien Giang province requested to consider and supplement staffing for the education and training sector and the health sector.

Case of female civil servant of the commune who has not implemented the civil servant downsizing policy

Thục Quyên (T/H) |

The cases of female civil servants at the district level who have not yet implemented civil service streamlining are based on the provisions stipulated in Article 4 of Decree No. 29/2023/ND-CP.

The Ministry of Home Affairs notes streamlining the payroll of commune officials and civil servants

Thục Quyên |

In the process of streamlining staff , the Ministry of Home Affairs recommends paying attention to cases, including commune-level officials and civil servants.

Streamlining staff with serious illnesses


Voters of Dong Thap province propose to consider expanding the subjects implementing the policy of streamlining staff according to Decree No. 29.

Conditions for receiving a pension for downsized employees

Phương Minh |

The Law Firm answers readers about the conditions for taking leave to receive retirement pension for those who apply for leave under the staff reduction policy.

Hau Giang requires staff to write work diaries to measure effectiveness


In Hau Giang, there are quite a few officials who do not list the full working hours of 8 hours/day, 40 hours/week.

Proposing additional objects to streamline staffing


Lang Son province proposes to add beneficiaries of the payroll streamlining policy in Decree No. 29/2023/ND-CP.