11 members of the Steering Committee summarize the Government's apparatus


Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh is Head of the Steering Committee summarizing 20 years of implementing the Government's organizational structure model.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh has just signed Decision No. 796/QD-TTg amending Decision No. 269/QD-TTg dated April 2, 2024 of the Prime Minister on establishing a Steering Committee to summarize 20 years of implementing the model. organizational structure of the Government .

Decision No. 796/QD-TTg amending Article 1 of Decision No. 269/QD-TTg on establishing a Steering Committee to summarize 20 years of implementing the Government's organizational structure model as follows:

1. Mr. Pham Minh Chinh, Prime Minister - Head of the Committee.

2. Mr. Tran Luu Quang, Deputy Prime Minister - Standing Deputy Head.

3. Ms. Pham Thi Thanh Tra, Minister of Home Affairs - Deputy Head of the Committee.

4. Mr. Luong Tam Quang, Minister of Public Security - Member.

5. Mr. Phan Van Giang, Minister of National Defense - Member.

6. Mr. Tran Van Son, Minister, Head of the Government Office - Member.

7. Mr. Bui Thanh Son, Minister of Foreign Affairs - Member.

8. Mr. Nguyen Chi Dung, Minister of Planning and Investment - Member.

9. Mr. Ho Duc Phoc, Minister of Finance - Member.

10. Minister of Justice - Commissioner.

11. Minister of Natural Resources and Environment - Member.

The Steering Committee is responsible for researching and proposing to the Prime Minister tasks and solutions to summarize 20 years of implementing the Government's organizational structure model.

At the same time, help the Prime Minister direct and coordinate between ministries, ministerial-level agencies and related agencies and organizations in summarizing 20 years of implementing the Government's organizational structure model.

The Ministry of Home Affairs is the standing agency of the Steering Committee, assisting the Head of the Committee in developing plans and work programs of the Steering Committee; harmonize, coordinate and urge ministries, ministerial-level agencies and agencies under the Government to review, evaluate and summarize the implementation of functions, tasks, powers and organizational structures of ministries and agencies ministries and agencies under the Government from the 12th to 15th term of the Government.

At the same time, synthesize and report on general activities of the Steering Committee and perform a number of other tasks assigned by the Head of the Committee.

The Minister of Home Affairs decided to establish a group to assist the Steering Committee. Members of the Steering Committee's Assisting Team are leaders of a number of functional units under the Ministries: Home Affairs, Public Security, National Defense, Foreign Affairs, Planning and Investment, Finance, Justice, Natural Resources and Environment and Government Office.


Sớm đưa Bệnh viện Việt Đức, Bạch Mai cơ sở 2 vào hoạt động


Thủ tướng Chính phủ Phạm Minh Chính yêu cầu Bộ Y tế tập trung xử lý các vấn đề, đưa vào hoạt động các dự án Bệnh viện Việt Đức, Bệnh viện Bạch Mai cơ sở 2.

Chính phủ chuyển Trung tâm điều độ điện về Bộ Công Thương


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Chính phủ cho ý kiến chủ trương đầu tư đường sắt tốc độ cao


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Xuất hiện clip đánh, đá trẻ tại nhà trẻ, công an vào cuộc

Phan Thành |

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Sạt lở rình rập, nhiều người Yên Bái chưa thể về nhà

Trần Bùi - Vũ Bảo |

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Áp thấp nhiệt đới sắp mạnh thành bão, gây mưa to khu vực nào?


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Đền Phú - Trần Tuấn |

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