According to the Ministry of Public Security's Electronic Information Portal, on January 16, 2025, in Hanoi, Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Long - Deputy Minister of Public Security, Head of the Investigation Police Agency (IPA) of the Ministry of Public Security - chaired a professional conference on solutions to improve the quality and effectiveness of management and resolution of temporarily suspended cases and incidents.
After Joint Circular No. 01/2020/TTLT dated June 1, 2020 regulating the coordination in implementing a number of articles of the Criminal Procedure Code on the management and settlement of temporarily suspended cases and matters took effect, the management and settlement of temporarily suspended cases and matters had positive changes in awareness and initially promoted the responsibility of leaders of the Investigation Agency and investigators, investigation officers in directing and organizing implementation.
The police of units and localities have proactively advised, developed and issued many documents to effectively implement Joint Circular No. 01/2020/TTLT.
In 2024, the number of suspended cases will be reduced; the number of cases restored and resolved the following year will be higher than the previous year; cases with expired criminal prosecution statutes of limitations and cases with suspended resolution will be effectively resolved.
Speaking at the Conference, Deputy Minister Nguyen Van Long requested the Public Security of units and localities to continue to strictly direct the implementation of regulations on the management and settlement of temporarily suspended cases and incidents; identifying the management and settlement of temporarily suspended cases and incidents as one of the tasks to be focused and resolutely implemented in 2025;
Promote the role of responsibility, leadership, close and decisive direction associated with the responsibility of the head, especially the Head of the Investigation Police Agency and Deputy Head of the Investigation Police Agency.
For newly accepted cases, it is important to strictly control input in the direction of crime prevention, especially for crimes against property, crimes against personal rights... There must be sufficient basis to determine that the case is the source of information about the newly accepted crime; the initiation of the case and the prosecution of the accused must be well-founded and in accordance with the law.
After initiating a case, it is necessary to promptly collect evidence and documents, synchronously implement professional measures to clarify the crime and the perpetrator; quickly identify and arrest the perpetrator...
Heads of police units and localities, directly the Heads of Investigation Agencies at all levels, review and propose the appointment of investigators for officers who meet the conditions, standards, and are responsible for the work to gradually ensure the quantity and quality of the team of investigators.
Organize the evaluation of the types of vehicles and equipment that the Ministry has equipped. Strengthen inter-sectoral coordination with judicial agencies in resolving cases and incidents.