Eliminate the regulation of increasing teachers' salary by 1 level when recruited


The draft Law on Teachers has removed the regulation on increasing 1 salary level in the administrative career salary scale system for teachers receiving their first salary classification.

On February 7, the National Assembly Standing Committee continued its 42nd session with comments on the draft Law on Teachers.

Presenting a report on a number of major issues regarding the reception, explanation, and revision of the bill, Chairman of the Committee on Culture and Education Nguyen Dac Vinh said that many opinions agreed with the regulation on assigning the authority to recruit teachers to the education sector.

However, there are also opinions suggesting clarifying the agencies that are decentralized and authorized to recruit; there are opinions suggesting carefully reviewing regulations to ensure compatibility and consistency with related laws.

Regarding this content, the Chairman of the Committee on Culture and Education stated that assigning recruitment authority to the education sector is necessary.

This not only ensures the authenticity of recruitment, but also enhances responsibility and creates conditions for the sector to be proactive in recruiting, using, managing and developing teachers, meeting the requirements of quantity, structure and quality. Thereby, contributing to overcoming the situation of local surplus, shortage and imbalance in the structure of teachers.

Receiving the opinions of National Assembly deputies, Chairman of the Committee on Culture and Education Nguyen Dac Vinh emphasized that the bill is adjusted in the direction that, for public educational institutions that are given autonomy, the head of the educational institution carries out recruitment and is responsible for his/her decisions.

For public educational institutions that have not been granted autonomy, the competent authority managing the educational institution shall carry out the recruitment of teachers or delegate the recruitment to the educational management agency or the head of the educational institution.

The education management agency shall preside over advising the competent authority managing the educational institution to implement or preside over advising on the decentralization of recruitment; non-public educational institutions shall autonomously carry out recruitment according to their own regulations on organization and operation.

The above adjustment affirms the role and responsibility of the educational management agency in advising; ensuring consistency with the provisions of the Law on Organization of Local Government, the Law on Civil Servants and the Labor Code.

Regarding salary and benefits policies for teachers, Chairman of the Committee for Culture and Education Nguyen Dac Vinh said that some opinions agreed with the regulation of increasing 1 salary level in the administrative career salary scale system for teachers recruited and receiving salaries for the first time.

Some opinions are still concerned and do not agree with this regulation and suggest that it is necessary to assess the impact of this policy in general relation to the team of cadres, civil servants and public employees of the political system.

Receiving the opinions of National Assembly delegates, Mr. Nguyen Dac Vinh clearly stated that the revised bill will remove the specific regulation on increasing 1 salary level in the administrative career salary scale system for teachers who are recruited and have their salary assigned for the first time.

Teachers' salaries are ranked highest in the administrative career salary scale system; improving salary policies for civil servants and public employees needs to be researched and calculated synchronously in the process of building salary policies according to job positions.


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