No consideration for adjusting public sector salaries in 2025


The Standing Committee of the Finance - Budget Committee agreed that in 2025, it will not consider continuing to adjust public sector salaries or pensions.

On October 2, in Hanoi, the National Assembly's Finance and Budget Committee held its 25th Plenary Session to examine the implementation of the 2024 state budget, the state budget estimate, and the central budget allocation plan for 2025.

Presenting the Preliminary Verification Report, Vice Chairwoman of the National Assembly's Finance and Budget Committee Vu Thi Luu Mai said that under the leadership of the Party, along with the timely issuance of mechanisms and policies by the National Assembly, the close and drastic management of the Government and the Prime Minister, and the efforts of ministries, branches, localities, the business community and the people, the socio-economic development and state budget situation in 2024 achieved many positive results.

Along with positive economic growth, state budget revenue in 2024 is estimated to increase compared to the estimate assigned by the National Assembly. In particular, some domestic revenue items increased significantly; revenue from equitization and divestment of state capital in enterprises reached many times higher than the estimate.

From the state budget revenue and expenditure situation in the past time, the Standing Committee of Finance - Budget proposed that the Government closely monitor to evaluate and clearly report the results achieved as required as well as the shortcomings, limitations, completed and uncompleted tasks.

Specify subjective causes, responsibilities and specific proposals and recommendations to complete the tasks assigned by the National Assembly in the Resolutions.

In addition, there will be a comprehensive assessment of the negative impacts of storm No. 3, the consequences of landslides, floods... on state budget revenue and expenditure in 2024, the consequences for the following year, especially on the damages incurred to report to the National Assembly at the upcoming 8th session.

Thuong truc Uy ban Tai chinh – Ngan sach de nghi khan truong hoan thanh che do tien luong moi theo Nghi quyet 27 – NQ/TW de thuc hien thong nhat. Anh:
The Standing Committee of the Finance - Budget Committee proposed to urgently complete the new salary regime according to Resolution 27 - NQ/TW for unified implementation. Photo:

Regarding some contents that the Government requested opinions on, the Standing Committee of the Finance - Budget Committee said that it is necessary to continue to carefully review the remaining revenue sources, improve the quality of forecasting work to strive to increase revenue in 2024 at the highest level as a basis for building a more positive state budget revenue estimate for 2025.

Learning from experience in recent years, the 2025 budget needs to minimize unallocated expenditures from the beginning of the year and delayed allocation.

Urgently complete the new salary regime according to Resolution 27-NQ/TW for unified implementation. Minimize the issuance of policies that reduce state budget revenue.

The Standing Committee of Finance and Budget also agreed with the Government's recommendations on allowing the use of remaining salary reform funds to invest in development investment projects in accordance with the law.

In 2025, there will be no further consideration of adjusting public sector salaries, pensions, social insurance benefits, monthly allowances, and allowances for people with meritorious services.


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Proposing salary and allowance policies for teachers


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Have a teacher salary policy to attract good students

Lan Nhi |

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