Disciplinary warning for Chairman of Bac Giang Provincial People's Committee Le Anh Duong


Chairman of Bac Giang Provincial People's Committee Le Anh Duong was disciplined with a warning due to violations and shortcomings in his work.

On October 7, 2024, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh signed Decision No. 1114/QD-TTg on disciplinary action against Mr. Le Anh Duong, Chairman of the People's Committee of Bac Giang province.

The decision clearly states that Mr. Le Anh Duong, Chairman of the People's Committee of Bac Giang province, will be disciplined in the form of a warning due to violations and shortcomings in his work and has been subject to Party discipline.

Implementation period from the date of promulgation of Decision No. 1711-QD/UBKTTW dated September 17, 2024 of the Central Inspection Committee.

This Decision comes into force from the date of signing and promulgation (October 7, 2024).

Previously, on August 28 and 29, 2024, the Central Inspection Committee held its 46th meeting. The Central Inspection Committee reviewed the inspection results when there were signs of violations and the review results, and proposed disciplinary action against the Standing Committee of the Bac Giang Provincial Party Committee.

According to the Central Inspection Committee, the Standing Committee of the Bac Giang Provincial Party Committee violated the principle of democratic centralism and working regulations; lacked responsibility, slackened leadership, direction, and lacked inspection and supervision, allowing the Provincial People's Council Party Delegation, the Provincial People's Committee Party Executive Committee, and many organizations and individuals to violate Party regulations and State laws in a number of investment projects implemented by Thuan An Group Joint Stock Company in the province.

Many cadres and party members, including key cadres of Bac Giang province, have degraded in political ideology, ethics, and lifestyle, violated the Law on Anti-Corruption, violated regulations on what party members are not allowed to do, and violated the responsibility to set an example.

The above violations have caused serious consequences, risking great damage to State money and property, causing bad public opinion, reducing the prestige of the Party organization and local government, to the point of requiring disciplinary action.

The Central Inspection Committee determined that Mr. Le Anh Duong, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Party Committee, and Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, was jointly responsible for the above violations.

The Central Inspection Committee has decided to impose a disciplinary warning on Mr. Le Anh Duong.


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