On March 17, according to the Ministry of National Defense's Information Portal, the Ministry of National Defense received a petition from voters of Tien Giang province, stating that currently, according to the Law on Military Service, the regime for demobilized soldiers is still low compared to the regime of the Militia.
Voters proposed to study and consider raising the regime regime for demobilized soldiers returning to their localities.
Regarding this proposal, the Ministry of National Defense said that the one-time discharge allowance and job creation allowance for non-commissioned officers and soldiers serving in the army and discharged from the army are stipulated in Article 50 of the Law on Military Service 2015;
Article 7 of Decree No. 27/2016/ND-CP dated April 6, 2016 of the Government stipulates a number of policies for non-commissioned officers and soldiers serving in the army, discharged from the army and relatives of non-commissioned officers and soldiers in the army (Decree No. 27/2016/ND-CP of the Government).
In addition to the one-time social insurance regime enjoyed according to the provisions of the law on social insurance, non-commissioned officers and soldiers upon discharge are entitled to a one-time discharge allowance, for each year of service in the Army, they are subsidized with 2 months of basic salary according to the Government's regulations at the time of discharge.
In case of odd months, it is calculated as follows:
For less than 1 month, they are not entitled to a discharge allowance; for 1 month to 6 months, they are entitled to a allowance equal to 1 month of basic salary; for more than 6 months or more, up to 12 months, they are entitled to a allowance equal to 2 months of basic salary.

Sub-officers and soldiers who serve in the army for a term of 30 months will receive an additional allowance of 2 months of current military rank allowance upon discharge; in case of discharge before the term of 30 months, the service period from the 25th month to less than 30 months will receive an additional allowance of 1 month of current military rank allowance.
Sub-officers and soldiers who have completed their service in the army according to the provisions of the Law on Military Service upon discharge will receive a job creation subsidy equal to 6 months of basic salary as prescribed by the Government at the time of discharge.
When discharged from the army, the unit directly managing them will organize a farewell meeting before discharge; be discharged and taken to the locality where they reside according to regulations or provided with train and vehicle fares (common type) and travel allowances from the unit to the place of residence.
According to the Ministry of National Defense, the above regulation shows the concern of the Party, State, and Ministry of National Defense for non-commissioned officers and soldiers serving in the army and their relatives; ensuring consistency and synchronization with current regulations.