Lawyer Nguyen Thi Thuy, YouMe Law Firm LLC, replied:
Article 1 of Circular No. 05/2025/TT-BGDDT regulating working regimes for general education and university providers stipulates the scope of regulation as follows:
This Circular stipulates the working regime for teachers teaching at general education institutions and colleges, including: tasks, working hours, annual leave, teaching hours, the regime of reducing teaching hours and converting other activities into teaching hours.
Article 10 of Circular No. 05/2025/TT-BGDDT regulating working regimes for general education and university admission teachers stipulates the regime of reducing teaching hours for teachers who concurrently work in the Party, mass organizations and other organizations in schools as follows:
1. Teachers and Party secretaries and Party cell secretaries (where no Party committees are established) at schools with 28 or more classes in regions 2 and 3, 19 or more classes in regions 1 are reduced by 04 periods/week; at the remaining schools, 03 periods/week are reduced.
2. Teachers who concurrently work in trade unions shall reduce the teaching hours according to the provisions of Circular No. 08/2016/TT-BGDDT dated March 28, 2016 of the Minister of Education and Training regulating the regime of reducing teaching hours for teachers and lecturers working in non-professional trade unions in public educational institutions in the national education system.
3. Teachers who also work as union secretaries or youth assistants, union advisors, and deputy secretaries of school-level youth unions are allowed to reduce teaching hours according to the provisions of Decision No. 13/2013/QD-TTg dated February 6, 2013 of the Prime Minister on regimes and policies for cadres of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union and the Vietnam Student Association in educational institutions and vocational training institutions.
4. Teachers who are also chairmen of the school council and secretaries of the school council will have 02 lessons/week reduced.
5. Teachers who are also heads of the school's People's Inspectorate are reduced by 02 periods/week.
Thus, teachers who concurrently work for the Party in high schools can have their weekly teaching hours reduced according to the above regulations.
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